Charting a Course
policy blog Celia Lee policy blog Celia Lee

Charting a Course

You can help us establish a strong mandate for appropriate funding for the nonprofit sector.  CCVO has launched an opportunity for Alberta nonprofits to give direct input into the immediate funding priorities for the sector and the long-term strategies for funding the sector.  

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CCVO's Reflection on the Recent Throne Speech
policy blog Megan Dornstauder policy blog Megan Dornstauder

CCVO's Reflection on the Recent Throne Speech

CCVO’s team attended yesterday’s Speech from the Throne to hear about government’s priorities and to meet with elected officials to let them know that our essential sector remains ready and willing partners in addressing challenges and seizing opportunities for Albertans. You can always get the text of the speech online, but there is nothing like being in the room.

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CCVO Releases 2023 Provincial Pre-Budget Submission

CCVO’s 2023 Provincial Pre-Budget Submission has been released. The two budget requests CCVO is making are a commitment to indexing all granting programs to inflation and growth and an investment budget in a strategic Community Prosperity Fund, eligible only to nonprofits totalling $300 million over 3 years.

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Advocate with Confidence: A Guide for Nonprofits
policy blog, advocacy tools Megan Dornstauder policy blog, advocacy tools Megan Dornstauder

Advocate with Confidence: A Guide for Nonprofits

The collective expertise and knowledge within the nonprofit sector represent invaluable insight and on-the-ground experience that can help inform policy direction and decisions. Plans to address the pandemic and subsequent economic recovery are likely to be at the forefront of this election cycle. With the increasing demand for services, it is important that this federal election recognizes and supports the role of nonprofits in rebuilding the community and economy. This election represents an opportunity for nonprofits, including those that access the services of and those who work in the sector, to come together to advocate for underrepresented and underserved populations, as well as for the sector as a whole.

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What’s Wrong with Shutting Down Nonprofit Advocacy?
policy blog Guest User policy blog Guest User

What’s Wrong with Shutting Down Nonprofit Advocacy?

There’s a troubling trend drifting up from south of the border and it’s not just COVID-19 case counts. We’re talking about the tendency to think of policy and political issues in partisan terms only. As in the Liberals “own” child care, the NDP “own” poverty reduction, the Green Party “owns” the environment, and the Conservatives “own” small business tax breaks. This blog post by ONN's Director of Policy, Liz Sutherland, and CCVO's Director, Policy & Research, Alexa Briggs, looks at policy, nonpartisanship, polarization, and democracy.

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Optimism Rises Among CCVO Members
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Optimism Rises Among CCVO Members

Even though there’s a strong sense of optimism about our sector’s immediate future, leaders also have a range of important issues that keep them awake at night, including funding, governance, and policy/government relations.

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CRA's Rules for Advocacy by Charities

Across Canada, charities have a wealth of in-depth knowledge about their community and the populations they serve. Organizations working on the ground can identify new or emerging issues and opportunities, and be a source of insight and expertise. Sharing this knowledge with all levels of government can lead to the development of and implementation of effective policies that build a healthy and vibrant community.

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