Advocate with Confidence: A Guide for Nonprofits


By Kirsten Boda, CCVO Research Manager 

With the recent announcement of the upcoming federal election on September 20, 2021, nonprofits are shifting their focus towards what the outcome of this election will mean for their organizations and those they serve. There is a strong interdependent relationship between nonprofit organizations and the Federal Government. The Federal Government provides resources and support such as funding, delivering programs and services, research, and more – while the nonprofit sector plays a central role in the wellbeing of communities across Canada that benefit both the economy and society as a whole.  

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the voice of nonprofits in this federal election is more important than ever. The pandemic has highlighted, and in some cases exacerbated, the challenges that certain populations face, especially women who are Black, Indigenous, and people of colour. Nonprofits provide valuable services to those who are impacted by the pandemic. At the same time, a recent study from Imagine Canada found that more than 56% of charities in Canada are facing challenges and feeling unsure of their recovery. While a portion of these were due to a decrease in demand for their services, 42% of all charities reported that they are facing an increase in demand for their programs and services that are beyond what they are currently able to meet. Staff of nonprofits are not immune to these challenges, with layoffs and difficulties in engaging volunteers. 

The collective expertise and knowledge within the nonprofit sector represent invaluable insight and on-the-ground experience that can help inform policy direction and decisions. Plans to address the pandemic and subsequent economic recovery are likely to be at the forefront of this election cycle. With the increasing demand for services, it is important that this federal election recognizes and supports the role of nonprofits in rebuilding the community and economy. This election represents an opportunity for nonprofits, including those that access the services of and those who work in the sector, to come together to advocate for underrepresented and underserved populations, as well as for the sector as a whole.  

With the upcoming federal election, CCVO has updated the Federal Election Nonprofit Advocacy Guide to serve as a resource for organizations that would like to engage in advocacy during the election. The guide contains a range of information starting with the importance of advocacy and the role that nonprofits play, and information on how to navigate the upcoming federal election – along with tips for building an advocacy engagement strategy. Nonprofits are always rightly concerned with making sure that they are on the right side of the rules of engagement, and you will find resources in this guide to help your nonprofit navigate these waters. 

It is critical that during these unprecedented times a diverse range of nonprofits get involved to lend their perspective and voice to this upcoming election to support the sustainability of the nonprofit sector.  

To avoid partisan engagement during your advocacy efforts, consider the following dos and don’ts:


Impacts of the Pandemic on Women: Input to the Premier’s Council on Charities and Civil Society


Read the Third Report from The Advisory Committee on the Charitable Sector