Charting a Course

What do we want? Appropriate funding! When do we want it? Now! How do we get there? You!

A sector with a plan. 

the Nonprofit Chamber’s annual research reports identify an increasingly struggling sector. But we’re also a sector with a plan. In 2023, The Nonprofit Vote established a set of policy priorities to set ourselves up for success from the ground up, including: Appropriate Funding, a Workforce Strategy, Better Data Collection, a Door to Government and an Empowered Sector. 

We are making progress.  

Find out about our progress on 3 of 5 priorities here. When it comes to funding, we’ve seen the Province respond to the financial needs of some sub-sectors. Calls for sector-wide emergency funding and a subsequent Community Prosperity Fund, however, have gone unheeded.  

The Community Prosperity Fund was a bold ask at a time that held the possibility of bold political action: $300 million investment over 3 years to address the impacts of the pandemic, inflation and historic under-resourcing to ensure our essential sector is here for Albertans when they need it most. Although the bold investment we encouraged did not transpire, it is still an essential part of the solution.  

We need you! 

With a new government in place we’re charting a course to stabilize the nonprofit sector – and secure appropriate funding. We think we’ll get further if we get more specific about our funding priorities. This is where YOU come in! 

What we know so far.  

Nonprofits need funding to: maintain (or increase) staff and programming; cover rising costs; meet the needs of a growing population; and plan for broader issues like climate change; diversity, equity and inclusion; and polarization. What else do you need funding for? Which items are most crucial?  

Sign up – and share your funding priorities. 

You can help us establish a strong mandate for appropriate funding for the nonprofit sector.  CCVO has launched an opportunity for Alberta nonprofits to give direct input into the immediate funding priorities for the sector and the long-term strategies for funding the sector.  

By joining in this process, nonprofits will shape:   

  • CCVO’s 2025 provincial budget submission   

  • Recommendations to funders   

  • An understanding of the funding reforms needed   

  • Sustained collective advocacy   

Fill out a survey on your organization’s funding priorities here.


GST and Membership Fees for Nonprofits


A New Nonprofit Navigator at the Government of Alberta