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Alberta Flood Relief Resources

We have compiled a list of flood recovery resources available for nonprofits, businesses and individuals. Priority listing has been given to long-term recovery funding and programs, as well as donated legal, insurance and health and wellness services.

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CCVO releases Bill C-458 overview

CCVO has released a resource on Bill C-458 to help individuals and organizations better understand the status of the bill and its potential impact on Canadian charities. Bill C-458, currently scheduled for Second Reading in February, would extend the tax deadline for charitable donations (currently December 31) by two months and establish a National Charities Week at the end of February each year.

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Alberta Nonprofit/Voluntary Sector Initiative (ANVSI)

The Alberta Nonprofit/Voluntary Sector Initiative (ANVSI) is a ground-breaking initiative, bringing together leaders from the voluntary sector and senior Provincial government staff to develop a more collaborative relationship between the sector and the Province.

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Workforce Inclusion Plan

Our workforce is undergoing dramatic change and the ways we have traditionally envisioned our places of work are being challenged. Over the next decade, all industry sectors, including the nonprofit sector, will need to be creative in finding and retaining qualified employees.

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Harvard ManageMentor Program

CCVO is pleased to offer Calgary's nonprofits, charities and voluntary organizations access to an outstanding, self-directed management training and development program called Harvard ManageMentor, which is affiliated with the Harvard School of Business, one of the most respected business institutions in the world.

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Sharing Services, Sharing Space

Calgary has a growing body of more than 5,000 charities and nonprofits with limited available resources to support their work in the community. The environment these groups work in has become increasingly uncertain in the face of the economic downturn. In this context, interest in innovative, alternative organizational structures and approaches to service delivery, already present in the community, has taken on a greater sense of urgency and interest. Exploration of new organizational approaches is required to ensure the community continues to benefit from the contributions of local charities and nonprofits.

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Insurance Toolkit for the Voluntary Sector: A Guide for Nonprofits and Charities

Originally published in 2006, and developed for the for the Alberta Voluntary Sector Insurance Council (AVSIC), this is an easy-to-use guide to insurance that offers practical tips, tools and checklists to help charities and nonprofits understand their insurance needs and navigate the complex process of finding the appropriate insurance coverage.

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