Alberta Culture Media Release: New funding for flood-affected arts and nonprofit groups

Alberta Culture Media Release: New funding for flood-affected arts and nonprofit groups

Arts and nonprofit organizations impacted by the June 2013 floods are eligible for additional funding to assist in their rebuilding efforts.

The funding will not only assist with reconstruction and renovation projects, but will also help address the increased demand and pressure put on critical programming as a result of the floods.

“Thousands of Albertans are still coping with significant stress and emotional anguish as they work to rebuild their homes and their lives. This funding will help ensure Albertans still have access to the valuable programs and services they need to help them recover.”

- Heather Klimchuk, Minister of Culture

Funding of $4 million will assist nonprofit/voluntary sector organizations. An additional $229,000 is being provided to arts organizations.

“During and after the flood, many nonprofit organizations, several of whom were severely impacted themselves, experienced unexpected costs due to damage and increased need for services. The flood funding announced today will be a welcome support to those organizations who responded so generously to this community crisis.”

- Katherine van Kooy, President and CEO, Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations

“Many arts organizations continue to feel the repercussions of last year’s disaster. The additional funds from the Government of Alberta have not only pushed us over Alberta Arts Rebuild’s original fundraising target of $500,000, but more importantly will help these organizations move past immediate relief and focus on rebuilding efforts."

- Patti Pon, President and CEO, Calgary Arts Development (CADA)

This funding will help address costs not covered through insurance or the Disaster Recovery Program.


Nonprofit/voluntary organizations can apply for this special flood relief funding through the Community Initiatives Program (CIP) and the Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP).

In 2013-14, $1 million is available and $3 million is available in 2014-15. The first grant deadline for 2013-14 is February 28.
This funding is intended to help address damage to infrastructure, increases in operational costs, and increases in demand for programs and services from clientele who experienced significant loss or trauma as a result of the floods. Grant application forms can be found at

Funding for flood-affected arts organizations will be administered by Alberta Arts Rebuild, a partnership of over 35 government and community agencies whose mandates include direct support of the arts. More information about how to apply for funding will be available on



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