Loud & Clear: Survey Sheds Light on Alberta's Nonprofit Employees

Without doubt, the passion, skill and talents of our workforce are the heart and soul of the nonprofit sector. The commitment and dedication of our employees and volunteers provide the foundation that helps our sector, and our communities thrive. But as labour markets once again begin to tighten, our focus needs to return to developing the resources and systems to effectively attract, develop and retain staff in the nonprofit sector. In order to better understand and promote the sector's workforce, this fall the Alberta Nonprofit Workforce Council, undertook a survey of nonprofit employees from across the province.

The Workforce Council surveyed 569 employees regarding their view of the benefits and challenges of working in the nonprofit sector. Their insights shed some light on what we as funders, employers and policy makers need to consider going forward. This summary report  will now help us shape the next phase of the Council's work: the 100,000 Voices Campaign - a project that seeks to profile the important career opportunities in the sector and demonstrate the sector's critical role in contributing to the quality of life Albertans enjoy in our province.

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Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance on Tax Incentives for Charitable Donations


Workforce Inclusion Plan