An Update on the Personal Information and Privacy Act Review
Starting in January 2024, the Standing Committee on Resource Stewardship began a comprehensive review of Alberta’s Personal Information and Privacy Act (PIPA), which is required every 6 years.
PIPA is Alberta’s private sector privacy law. As such, it only applies to nonprofits for information collected, used or disclosed for commercial activity. This principle was established when the legislation came to effect in 2004 and was upheld in the 2015 comprehensive review of the legislation

Statement on the Tariff Situation
In times of crisis, nonprofits and their services are needed more than ever. A trade war with our largest economic partner is undoubtedly a crisis.
As we navigate these rough waters together, we must keep these nonprofits in mind. For nonprofits to be able to withstand the pressures we are all facing, any relief and support packages must include programs designed specifically for nonprofits.

Alberta Budget 2025 Highlights
Budget 2025 was released on Thursday, February 27 and we’ve pulled together high-level highlights for the nonprofit sector in key Ministries. Overall, the budget itself doesn’t make many waves. There are few new major investments, modest increases in many areas, and some decreases in grants available to community nonprofits.

Alberta Legislature Winter 2025 Update
Alberta’s legislature will resume on Tuesday, February 25th, 2025. You can follow along to the legislature’s activities and watch online here. The provincial budget will be released on February 27th with some early indication from Alberta’s Finance Minister that the budget is likely to reflect some tough choices.

The Nonprofit Vote Hosts a Day on the Legislature 2024
On November 20, 2024, The Nonprofit Vote hosted its Day on the Legislature at Alberta’s provincial legislature in Edmonton.

Charting a Course
You can help us establish a strong mandate for appropriate funding for the nonprofit sector. CCVO has launched an opportunity for Alberta nonprofits to give direct input into the immediate funding priorities for the sector and the long-term strategies for funding the sector.

A New Nonprofit Navigator at the Government of Alberta
The Government of Alberta has launched a new website that provides comprehensive information and resources to support nonprofits serving Albertans. It includes information on how to start, fund, manage and end a nonprofit; available programs, services and grants for nonprofits; nonprofit data; learning and capacity building opportunities; and board member training. Check out the new site here.

Calgary Housing Strategy Clears its First Hurdle. Next Up: 2023 Budget Adjustments
In September, 93 nonprofits signed a letter asking City Council to take the next step in passing the recommendations from the Housing and Affordability Task Force and on September 16, the Council voted 12-3 in favour of the Housing Strategy. Thank you for taking the time to support this outcome! The next step is to weigh in on the City’s Adjustments to the 2023-2026 Service Plans and Budgets until November 20, 2023. Want to weigh in? Share your comments or sign up to speak here.

CCVO's Reflection on the Recent Throne Speech
CCVO’s team attended yesterday’s Speech from the Throne to hear about government’s priorities and to meet with elected officials to let them know that our essential sector remains ready and willing partners in addressing challenges and seizing opportunities for Albertans. You can always get the text of the speech online, but there is nothing like being in the room.

Calgary Housing Advocacy Update
Last week, CCVO put out a call for support in asking City Council to take the next step in passing the recommendations from the Housing and Affordability Task Force. And you answered! 50 nonprofits have already signed on to support this request. Thank you for the overwhelming support so far!

The Road So Far.
With the election a month behind us, we’re using the summer to hunker down and plan our next steps. Kind of like hibernating, but on the opposite schedule of bears. Safer that way.
We’re considering how to keep nonprofit issues on the agenda, whose agenda to put them on, and whether those issues have substantially changed in the last year. You’ll be hearing more from us on that for the remainder of 2023. For now, we’re reflecting on what we’ve accomplished over the past year - so we can build on what’s worked, and let go of what hasn’t.

What Alberta Nonprofits Need to Know Post-election
Albertans went to the polls on May 29 - some of us proudly bearing our party hats! The UCP was re-elected with 52.6% of the popular vote and 49 seats, and the NDP garnered 44% of the popular vote and 38 seats - Alberta’s largest official opposition on record. To help you assess your next steps with the Province, we’re sharing three things: 1) who your ministers and critics are; 2) our advocacy tools; and 3) key items in the UCP Platform and Government of Alberta Budget.

2023 Provincial Election Platform Analysis
We’re looking to party platforms in the 2023 Provincial Election for alignment with The Nonprofit Vote’s priorities.

2023 Platform Priorities Update May 18 - May 25
The NDP responded to the Rozsa Foundation and The Nonprofit Vote’s VoteArtsAB campaign with a commitment to:
provide a 50% funding increase to the Alberta Foundation for the Arts;
provide a standalone Arts Capital Grants Program to support a range of projects in urban centres; and
create a Live Entertainment Advisory Council to showcase and amplify Alberta talent, and coordinate and attract world-class shows and events to Alberta.

2023 Platform Priorities Update May 11 - May 18
The NDP responded formally to The Nonprofit Vote’s Platform Priorities this week, acknowledging the strain the sector has experienced and committing to incorporate all five requests. Details are emerging about their financial commitments to the sector.