Nonprofit News: IWD 2022, Alberta Budget 2022

Nonprofit Connections: Alberta Budget 2022: An In-Depth Analysis for the Nonprofit Sector

MARCH 22 | 2:00 - 3:15 PM | ZOOM

Alberta Budget 2022: An In-Depth Analysis for the Nonprofit Sector
Last week, CCVO released our in-depth Budget 2022 analysis for nonprofits. Tomorrow's
Nonprofit Connections event will begin with a virtual walk-through of the detailed analysis by CCVO Research Manager Kirsten Boda. The following panel discussion, moderated by Karen Ball, CCVO President & CEO, will focus on what Budget 2022 means for the nonprofit sector, and then open to audience Q&A.

Michelle Hynes-Dawson | Vice President, Community & Digital Engagement, Association
Services, YMCA of Northern Alberta
Diane Kenyon | Consultant, Strategy, Leadership, Engagement & Public Affairs
Naheed Nenshi | Community Builder, The Ascend Group
Bob Wyatt | Executive Director, The Muttart Foundation

Ticket information
CCVO Members: Free
Not sure if you're a CCVO Member? Visit our member directory here.
Non-Members: $25
Want to become a CCVO Member? Visit our website here to learn more.
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Please note: This event will be held on Zoom, and registration is through Eventbrite. You'll receive an email from Eventbrite with the Zoom link to the address you use to register.

policy highlights

Budget 2022 and Community Prosperity in Alberta: Initial Analysis from CCVO
Budget 2022-23 in Alberta was tabled Thursday, February 24. Under the theme of “moving forward”, a fiscal plan was outlined for the next three years (2022-2025), with the focus on economic recovery in Alberta. Alberta Budget 2022-23 is overall a maintenance budget of the province’s investment in the work of Alberta’s community nonprofits. It is not a budget that supports community recovery or that recognizes investment in community prosperity as an important and necessary element of Alberta’s economic recovery, which CCVO outlined in our 2022 budget submission.   

Alberta’s nonprofits are front line workers, storytellers, care providers and massive contributors to the quality of life enjoyed by Albertans and their families in every community. By failing to adequately support community recovery within key community-facing ministries, this budget leaves on the table an opportunity to create a truly thriving Alberta for all.  We will release an in-depth budget analysis next week – read our initial analysis here

Share Your Input to Improve Content for Nonprofits
The Government of Alberta is collecting feedback from nonprofit and voluntary organizations to improve their experience finding and accessing relevant programs, resources, and services from the Government of Alberta website. Their goal is to make it easier for community-serving organizations to find and access relevant programs, services and resources when they need them most, in a format they find useful. Share your input through this survey by March 18, 2022. This survey is being conducted by the Community Engagement Branch, Ministry of Culture and Status of Women. To connect with the Community Engagement Branch, email them at

Applications Open for Chair of Premier’s Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities
The Premier’s Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities was established to provide advice to the Alberta government through public discussion and engagement with the disability community. Working closely with the members, the Chair oversees and ensures that the Council fulfills its mandate to provide advice to all of government to promote equal opportunities for persons with disabilities to reach their full potential and to engage in the life of the Province.  Applications are being accepted until March 18, 2022. Learn more about the Council here. More information about the opportunity, including the time commitment and skills required, can be found here.

International Women’s Day: Upcoming Events

#Breakthebias: Women Banding Together to Help Women this IWD
March 9 | online panel discussion
Learn more

Women in Sustainability: Appreciation with the Arts
March 10 | hybrid event
Learn more

IWD2022 - Break The Bias
March 10 | online panel discussion
Learn more

CCDI: Gender Equality Through an Intersectional Lens
March 15 | webinar
Learn more

Visit these sites for some more upcoming events and resources:
Calgary Immigrant Women's Association
Calgary Public Library
Women's Centre of Calgary
University of Calgary
International Women's Day event search

funding & grants

Canadian Women's Foundation Community Needs Grants
The aim of the Community Needs Grants is to provide short-term support for organizations doing gender-based work, particularly among smaller grassroots organizations, to meet a range of immediate needs. Applicants may apply for funds to cover program costs, to undertake timely policy or advocacy initiatives, to support organizational capacity-building or professional development, to build networks, and/or for operational and administrative expenses. Proposals will be expected to demonstrate how the funds will be used and how that spending will contribute to efforts to serve women, girls, Two-Spirit, trans, and non-binary people in their communities. Interested organizations are invited to submit a full proposal using the online form including budget and partner letters. Approximately 24 grants up to a maximum of $20,000 each will be selected. The submission deadline is Monday, March 21, 2022 at 5:00pm EDT. Learn more on the Canadian Women's Foundation website

Government of Alberta CIP Project-Based Grants
The Community Initiatives Program (CIP), Project-Based grant stream supports projects that enhance and enrich communities throughout Alberta by providing assistance to non-profit organizations for:

  • new programs/enhancement to an existing program

  • community events

  • gender equity projects

  • technology

  • portable equipment

CIP Project-Based funding is approved on a matching basis. The maximum funding available is $75,000. The next application deadline is May 15, 2022. For more information, including eligibility requirements, how to apply, and recorded info sessions, visit the Government of Alberta website.

Capacity Building: Upcoming Events

Partnership Lunch n Learns: Co-Creating Partnership Principles
March 15 | online workshop
Learn more

From 'Burnt Out' to 'Fired Up': Reigniting Passion & Wellness at Work
March 29 | online conversation
Learn more

Social Media Best Practices for Nonprofits
March 30 | webinar
Learn more

Grant Support: Open Panel Discussion
March 30 | online discussion and Q&A
Learn more

Blogs & More

The Facts About Intersectional Feminism in Canada by Canadian Women's Foundation
Advancing gender equality in Canada isn’t just about closing gaps between men and women. People experience different barriers depending on many elements of their identities—things like their sexuality, race, gender identity, ability, and age. Pursuing true equality means recognizing and meeting all peoples’ diverse needs. The Canadian Women’s Foundation practices an intersectional approach to feminism and pursuing gender equality. That means they try to understand the many ways different women are affected by barriers and discrimination that go beyond their gender. This fact sheet answers some frequently asked questions about taking an intersectional approach to feminism and gender equality. Read more →

#BreakTheBias in Alberta: My Reflections on International Women's Day by Alexa Briggs on The Nonprofit Vote
This year’s International Women’s Day (IWD) theme is #BreakTheBias. With the recent budget drop here in Alberta, this post will turn attention to some of the inherent bias on display in undervaluing the potential contributions of the nonprofit sector in the care economy, primarily composed of women, to not only our social and environmental wellbeing, but also to our economic wellbeing. Recent data shows that women, immigrant, and visible minority employees hold the highest number of jobs in the nonprofit sector; that data also shows that men are paid more in average annual salaries and hourly wages than women. There is a longstanding history of undervaluing the care economy as “women’s work”, work that is often either underpaid or unpaid and undervalued as an economic driver. Valuing the care economy as less than, builds on discriminatory practices and beliefs that have devalued the work of women or rendered it invisible, and that continues to hinder societies’ full economic potential. Read more →

Supporting Women's Equality: International Women's Day Collection by Future of Good
The social and economic gains on gender equality women have worked for decades to achieve are vanishing before their eyes. For this International Women’s Day, Future of Good is highlighting their stories featuring powerful solutions for a women-centred pandemic recovery—from feminist recovery plans to coverage of economic inequalities. Explore the collection →


Nonprofit News: Alberta Budget Walk-Through, Priorities and Challenges for Nonprofits


Nonprofit News: Alberta Budget 2022, Advancing Racial Equity