Nonprofit News: Alberta Budget 2022, Advancing Racial Equity

Nonprofit Connections: Alberta Budget 2022: An In-Depth Analysis for the Nonprofit Sector

MARCH 22 | 2:00 - 3:15 PM | ZOOM

Alberta Budget 2022: An In-Depth Analysis for the Nonprofit Sector
Last week, CCVO released our in-depth Budget 2022 analysis for nonprofits. Tomorrow's
Nonprofit Connections event will begin with a virtual walk-through of the detailed analysis by CCVO Research Manager Kirsten Boda. The following panel discussion, moderated by Karen Ball, CCVO President & CEO, will focus on what Budget 2022 means for the nonprofit sector, and then open to audience Q&A.

Michelle Hynes-Dawson | Vice President, Community & Digital Engagement, Association
Services, YMCA of Northern Alberta
Diane Kenyon | Consultant, Strategy, Leadership, Engagement & Public Affairs
Naheed Nenshi | Community Builder, The Ascend Group
Bob Wyatt | Executive Director, The Muttart Foundation

Ticket information
CCVO Members: Free
Not sure if you're a CCVO Member? Visit our member directory here.
Non-Members: $25
Want to become a CCVO Member? Visit our website here to learn more.
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Please note: This event will be held on Zoom, and registration is through Eventbrite. You'll receive an email from Eventbrite with the Zoom link to the address you use to register.

policy highlights

Government of Alberta Budget 2022 to Be Released Today
The Government of Alberta will be releasing the annual budget today at 3:15 PM. CCVO will be working on an in-depth budget analysis over the coming weeks, to be released prior to our March 22 presentation and panel discussion. You can view our 2022 pre-budget submission and past analyses on the CCVO Policy Advocacy page. The budget speech can be watched live on the Government of Alberta website. Alberta’s nonprofits are front line workers, storytellers, care providers and massive contributors to the quality of life enjoyed by Albertans and their families in every community. By failing to adequately support community recovery within key community-facing ministries, this budget leaves on the table an opportunity to create a truly thriving Alberta for all.  We will release an in-depth budget analysis next week – read our initial analysis here

Federal Data Working Group Relaunches to Advocate for Better Data
Recently, Imagine Canada has been working with various sector allies to relaunch the Federal Data Working Group, which was active in previous years but paused during the pandemic. In 2022, the group will be working to identify the challenges and opportunities in seven areas: census data, labour market information, measuring diversity on nonprofit boards, the Disaggregated Data Action Plan, the Linked File Environment, the Satellite Account of Nonprofit Institutions and Volunteering, and the Canada Survey of Business Conditions. The group currently includes representatives of 21 organizations and institutions. To learn more about the group, please contact Imagine Canada at

Calgary Anti-Racism Education

The CARED Collective (Calgary Anti-Racism Education) was founded in 2009 by six diverse women from Calgary’s anti-racism community, each member bringing her own knowledge of racism and anti-racism and a commitment to anti-racism activism. CARED is a space for both anti-racism facilitators and self-guided learners, and includes recommended pathways through the resource. Visit the CARED website to learn more about the resource and pathways to learning. 

funding & grants

Canada Council for the Arts: Creating, Knowing and Sharing: The Arts and Cultures of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples

The Canada Council for the Arts is committed to reaffirming and revitalizing its relationship with First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples in Canada. Creating, Knowing and Sharing acknowledges the cultural sovereignty of Indigenous Peoples and respects the concepts of First Nations, Inuit and Métis self-determination.
Short-Term Projects
The Short-Term Projects component of Creating, Knowing and Sharing funds First Nations, Inuit and Métis professional and aspiring artists, cultural carriers, arts/cultural professionals, groups, collectives and arts/culture organizations. Grants for up to $100,000 provide support for any combination of eligible Creating, Knowing and Sharing activities for projects lasting up to 12 months. The next application deadline for the Short-Term Projects is March 16, 2022, with notification by the end of July 2022. Learn more here.
Small-Scale Activities
The Small-Scale Activities component of Creating, Knowing and Sharing funds activities that will advance your artistic career or practice. This may include acquiring materials for artistic production, engaging in career or artistic development activities or benefitting from specific expertise, advice or training from a professional artist or cultural carrier. This component is open to First Nations, Inuit and Métis individuals, artistic groups, collectives and organizations working in all disciplines. The application deadline for the Small-Scale Activities is anytime before the start of your project/activity with notification usually within 3 months of submitting an application. Learn more here.

UCeed Social Impact Fund
Activated by Innovate Calgary, the university’s knowledge transfer and business incubator, UCeed is a philanthropically powered early-stage investment program that accelerates UCalgary and community-based organizations to advance problem-solving research, create jobs and fuel the economy.
The minimum criteria for the UCeed Social Impact Fund are:

  • Social enterprises including, nonprofits, for-profit, charities, and cooperatives with demonstrable community benefit commercializing evidence-based solutions to issues.

  • UCeed Social Impact is open to a broad interpretation of social impact; however, priority will be given to opportunities that address pressing local and international issues.

  • Must be incorporated prior to receipt of funds.

  • Must have demonstrable impact or operations in Alberta.

  • Minimum one full-time employee within six months of UCeed investment.

  • Ability to report on impact measures within six months of UCeed investment.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. The fund has four investment advisory meetings per year. To be guaranteed consideration in upcoming intake periods, applications must be submitted by the following deadline: April 1, 2022 (round 4). For more information, visit the University of Calgary website.

Upcoming Events

The 2022 Provincial Budget and Alberta's Non-Profit Sector
February 28 | webinar
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Indigenous Approaches to Disaster Risk Reduction
March 10 | online
Learn more

CCDI: Systemic Racism in the Workplace: What is it and what's being done - a leaders panel
March 10 | webinar
Learn more

Engaging Risk Learning Series: Strategic Risk for Nonprofits
March 16 | online workshop
Learn more

Blogs & More

The BlackNorth Initiative: Learnings on Advancing Racial Equity in Canada by Imagine Canada
In Summer 2020, in the wake of worldwide protests to combat anti-Black systemic racism, the BlackNorth Initiative was founded by Bay Street entrepreneur and philanthropist Wes Hall to counter anti-Black racism in corporate Canada by setting measurable targets to track progress. This post is based on an interview with Dahabo Ahmed-Omer, Executive Director of the BlackNorth Initiative, and contains lessons for nonprofits looking to create systemic change through changing the behaviour of the private sector and advice for companies looking to make real progress on racial equity in their organizations. Read more →

Addressing the "Great Resignation" by Charity Village
There is a lot of discussion on the “Great Resignation” backed up with statistics indicating that many are leaving their jobs in the US due to overwork and burnout. In Canada, there is a similar trend, with people leaving roles at all levels, as reported in a recent Financial Post article. The article refers to the LifeWorks and Deloitte Canada survey results that show “51% of managers are reporting that they are considering quitting, retiring or moving to a lesser role”. There are a number of factors at play, such as adjustments due to the pandemic mandates, changing child care needs, demands for more job flexibility and for many, a desire to re-examine priorities and job satisfaction. Read More →


Nonprofit News: IWD 2022, Alberta Budget 2022


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