Filtering by: “Best Practices”

HR in a Box: The Future of Work is the Future of Everything

HR in a Box: The Future of Work is the Future of Everything

CCVO’s research on adaptive capacity in the nonprofit sector confirmed that technology is one of the four major trends impacting our workplaces. Up to 40% of jobs could be partially or fully automated today, and that number will surpass 60% in just ten years.

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HR in a Box Workshop Series: Rolling Out the HR Strategic Plan - HR Analytics and Scorecard to the Rescue

HR in a Box Workshop Series: Rolling Out the HR Strategic Plan - HR Analytics and Scorecard to the Rescue

HR metrics and workforce analytics help organizations identify strengths and weaknesses, areas for improvement, and opportunities for growth. With today’s workplace spanning multiple generations, and the focus on emerging required skills, HR metrics are rapidly evolving. More emphasis is also being given to the role of data collection for managerial decision making. Join Janet Salopek to navigate how to align HR analytics with your business strategies and organizational goals. You will also discuss how HR metrics and workforce analytics improve bottom line results.

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The Unseen Threat: Protect your nonprofit from a cyber security breach

The Unseen Threat: Protect your nonprofit from a cyber security breach

A security incident that turns into a breach can lead to devastating financial or reputation loss. In a world where it isn’t a question of if, but when your organization is targeted, a cyber incident response plan may be your lifeline to weathering the storm. When developed well, it can help you demystify the what-ifs, decrease your panic about who will do what, and plan through the worst-case scenarios.

Presented in partnership with Ignitech and Integree-T Security Solutions, this session is for nonprofit leaders, board members, and those responsible for overseeing/developing effective organizational governance structures around information privacy protocols and IT systems.

If your organization distributes confidential board materials via private email without encryption, lacks information privacy policies and procedures, or is considering cyber security insurance or training, this session will provide guidance to help you manage the risks, guard your organization’s reputation, and maintain credibility both during and in the aftermath of an incident.

Session facilitators: Charles Buchanan, CEO, Ignitech; Carol Collinge, CEO and Alejandro Ibarra, CIO, Integree-T Security Solutions.

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HR in a Box Workshop Series: The Cannabis Quagmire - Accommodation 2017 & Beyond

HR in a Box Workshop Series: The Cannabis Quagmire - Accommodation 2017 & Beyond

With legal marijuana just around the corner, employers need to be aware of their rights and responsibilities. Organizations and HR professionals need to answer questions regarding acceptable level of use, required policies and procedures, and violation of rules. Using the “Workplace marijuana possession/use” case study, Adam Czarnecki will lead a discussion on the myths and realities of cannabis usage in the workplace, including types of cannabis products, medical marijuana, recreational uses, human rights vs privacy vs safety, and workplace readiness.

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HR in a Box Workshop Series: Changing Demographics & Managing Change Within a Dynamic Workforce

HR in a Box Workshop Series: Changing Demographics & Managing Change Within a Dynamic Workforce

Change has become the norm in today’s workplace. To stay relevant, organizations need to continually evaluate, realign plans based on new information, and embrace diversity and technology. Join Janet Salopek to discuss how shifting demographics are impacting talent attraction, retention, and development. Participants will also explore perspectives on organizational people plans, and the resulting change management processes that will impact organizations.

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Climate Change is More than an Environmental Issue: How to Prepare for a Low Carbon Economy

Climate Change is More than an Environmental Issue: How to Prepare for a Low Carbon Economy

CCVO, along with Alberta Ecotrust and The Pembina Institute invite you to join a conversation about the nonprofit sector’s role in climate change leadership. 

There is a growing awareness that the issue of climate change and the transition to a lower carbon economy has implications across the nonprofit sector. This raises several questions, including:

  • How does the nonprofit sector demonstrate leadership and effect meaningful change?
  • Why is it important to apply a climate change lens to your operational management and to the very issues you exist to address?
  • What does your organization need to know about the transition to a lower carbon future?

We’ve assembled a panel of experts to wrestle with these questions. In this session you’ll learn how the transition to a lower carbon economy represents a ‘third industrial revolution’, and why people are talking about the concept of a ‘just transition’.

You’ll hear from nonprofit leaders who are making the connection between climate change and issues such as gender and poverty. You will have the opportunity to apply a climate change lens to your work.

Finally, you’ll hear about the opportunities that will unfold as we move to a lower carbon economy.

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2016 Nonprofit Legal Series: Let’s Talk About Risk - Social Enterprise – Are You Running A Risky Business?

2016 Nonprofit Legal Series: Let’s Talk About Risk - Social Enterprise – Are You Running A Risky Business?

In tough times charities and not for profit organizations may see starting a social enterprise as a way to maintain financial stability. This session will cover the different sections of the Income Tax Act that deal with charities and not-for-profits who are involved with social enterprise or other businesses. The types of structures and the risks associated with these structures will be discussed. Recent CRA audit activity in this area will also be reviewed.

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2016 Nonprofit Legal Series: Let’s Talk About Risk - Insurance

2016 Nonprofit Legal Series: Let’s Talk About Risk - Insurance

Would your organization be able to absorb a large unexpected expense that might arise from a sudden unplanned event? The answer for many nonprofits is ‘no’. That is where insurance steps in – to help organizations cope with financial consequences of unpredictable events. This session will help your organization identify risks and protect itself through a review of the different types of insurance, when each type is required, the amount of coverage required, and how rates are determined. More information

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2016 Nonprofit Legal Series: Let’s Talk About Risk - Opportunities in Energy Efficiency for the Nonprofit Sector

2016 Nonprofit Legal Series: Let’s Talk About Risk - Opportunities in Energy Efficiency for the Nonprofit Sector

The Pembina Institute and the Alberta Energy Efficiency Alliance – in partnership with the Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations – invite you to discuss how energy efficiency programs can lower costs for low-income households, create jobs, and significantly reduce operations costs for non-profits — leaving you with more funds for your core services.

This facilitated workshop will also seek your input on how new energy efficiency programs — to be developed by the end of this year — could enable participation from the non-profit sector.

Workshop includes:

  • Presentation on benefits and lessons from successful nonprofits
  • Group discussion on Calgary/Alberta-specific barriers and solutions
  • Policy recommendations and opportunities for nonprofits in Alberta
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Code Red! Developing Your Business Continuity Plan

Code Red! Developing Your Business Continuity Plan

What is your plan to maintain operations if your building becomes inaccessible? How will you communicate with clients, staff and public in the event of an emergency? What is your back-up donation management plan? What critical documents should be stored offsite prior to an emergency?

This panel session will provide attendees with real-world, local insights from nonprofit organizations that are developing business continuity plans. Topics include:

  • Why should you develop a business continuity plan?
  • How can you incorporate the shared experiences of others?
  • What are some pitfalls to be aware of?
  • How can you strengthen your planning process?

Who should attend? Organization leaders, decision-makers and staff who have a stake in safety planning will learn the process for developing a successful business continuity plan and how your organization can work to better prepare for a future emergency or disaster.

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2016 Nonprofit Legal Series: Let’s Talk About Risk - Best Practices for Terminating Employment

2016 Nonprofit Legal Series: Let’s Talk About Risk - Best Practices for Terminating Employment

Terminating an employment relationship is never easy. Whether for performance reasons, shortage of work or lack of funding, terminations are emotionally charged, which can cloud judgement. This session will cover what you need to know to effectively manage risks associated with terminations, and to handle termination in a fair and balanced manner. More information

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