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LIVE Webinar: Stop the Cycle: How to manage an underperforming employee

Interested in reviewing the content from Matt's webinar? Download his presentation and be sure to get the information you need for your organization.

Human beings are complicated. Your workplace doesn't have to be. One key area that many organizations struggle with is how to manage underperforming employees. This webinar provided key insights to help you understand how to stop negative employee patterns/cycles, and approach performance issues in a productive and respectful manner.

This session was for anyone in a leadership role who is looking to improve their ability to effectively identify and correct core issues with an employee’s performance (before it’s too late and the relationship is damaged beyond repair). This session was not a cure-all, but it was meant to provide you with practical, proven tools to help you frame previously-difficult conversations in a positive and productive manner.

This session covered strategies and tools to effectively approach performance issues including:

  • Progressive Corrective Action Template

  • Performance Management Confidence!


CCVO Capacity Building webinars offer participants the opportunity to submit questions to the presenter, for consideration to include in a follow-up blog post. Participants are encouraged to ask questions via the comment box. Please note that speakers address questions submitted up to 3 days after the webinar launch date.

In response to a webinar question, Matt Youens answers a question about tracking performance management in times of remote work.

about the presenter

Matt Youens

Director & Founder, Human Elements Canada Ltd.

Matt Youens has been working as a Human Resources professional since 2007, achieving his CPHR professional accreditation in 2010. Working for a large energy organization in northern Alberta, Matt was a senior Employee Relations member providing support and guidance on various HR matters to senior leaders, and a legal representative.

After his wife’s employment was relocated to Calgary, Matt founded Human Elements Canada Ltd., a boutique consulting firm for social profits that is unabashedly human-centric in its approach supporting the sector with Strategic Planning & Accountability, Capacity Building, and Workplace Culture services.

Matt has seen time and time again that while an organization may have a great strategy or capacity building approach, if the underlying workplace culture does not support the organization’s vision, at best it will be costlier to achieve the desired results, or at worst, the vision will not be met and the entire mission could be at risk.

Thank you to our webinar sponsors!

October 22

LIVE Webinar: From Barely Surviving to Thriving: Tools and Strategies for Tackling Mental Health Pressure Points at Work

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