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Webinar: Five Things Nonprofits Can Learn from Startup Culture

Startup culture has resulted in many of the innovations we all experience in our daily lives. While innovation is often linked to technology, most major innovations have more to do with the business model and practices used by the company and the people it serves. In this webinar, David Yiptong of Platform Calgary looked at five takeaways that any organization can learn from startup culture to help move their own organization forward.

This session discussed how organizations can:

  • use startups for inspiration based on culture and management, and

  • examine and challenge existing parts of the organization in order to foster innovation.

Interested in reviewing the content from David's webinar? Download his presentation and be sure to get the information you need for your organization.


Interested in learning more about this topic? David has written a follow-up blog post to his webinar that summarizes the five things that nonprofits can learn from startup culture and his recommendations for applying this information to your organization.

about the presenter

David Yiptong

Director of Programs, Platform Calgary

David has over a decade of experience in technology development, manufacturing, and telecommunications and has been directly involved in creating several companies based on university research. He has also been training and coaching entrepreneurs since 2014. David’s team at Platform Calgary works like a startup in all aspects of what they do, as they continuously integrate entrepreneurial strategies into their daily operations.


Thank you to our webinar sponsors!

January 21

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February 18

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