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Lunch and Learn: Get Out the Vote

Did your concerns for the community go unnoticed in the last election? Not sure if the political candidates were even aware of the issues your nonprofit is tackling?

The upcoming provincial election is an opportunity to get your issues heard and show power in numbers by empowering your staff, volunteers, and the people you serve to share your priorities and vote in the election. When political candidates recognize the impact and influence of nonprofits, they are more likely to listen to your issues and policy ideas.

The Policy Lunch & Learn series brings together nonprofit policy expertise with collective community knowledge and networking. In this session, CCVO’s Alexa Briggs, Manager, Policy & Research, and Lina Khatib, Policy Analyst, will share tips and tools for your nonprofit to better engage in the upcoming provincial election, and empower others to bring attention to your policy priorities. Join other nonprofit professionals in sharing experiences and building connections

This is a brown bag lunch event, coffee and dessert will be provided.


about the presenters

Alexa BriggsManager, Policy & Research, CCVO

Alexa has a strong professional background as a researcher and writer, combined with extensive experience working for nonprofit organizations in managerial and leadership experience positions. Her work in policy analysis and research was enhanced at Vibrant Communities Calgary, where she served as Associate Director of Strategy and Research.

Alexa holds a B.A. in Sociology with High Honours and an Interdisciplinary M.A, both from the University of Saskatchewan. Her professional experience includes numerous publications and conference presentations as well as service on nonprofit Boards.


Lina KhatibPolicy Analyst, CCVO

Lina is a public policy professional with a Master’s degree from the School of Policy Studies at Queen’s University and a Bachelor of Arts from York University. She has over five years of experience working with government and nonprofit organizations in the realm of social policy and research, including at the Ontario Ministry of Education and the United Way of Calgary and Area. Lina is a strong believer in the power of collaboration as well as evidence-based decision-making. She is passionate about improving the health and well-being of nonprofit organizations and about preparing for the technological changes of the future.

February 27

Lunch and Learn: Policy Agendas and Election Engagement Strategies

April 10

Connections Conference