This post contains content about residential schools that may be triggering. Support for survivors and their families is available; IRSSS toll-free line: 1-800-721-0066, 24-hour national crisis line: 1-866-925-4419.

The news of the bodies of 215 Indigenous children found at the former residential school in Kamloops, the community of Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc, is a devastating and heartbreaking discovery and reminder of the trauma inflicted by settlers and colonial systems upon Indigenous children, families, and communities.  

This trauma doesn’t live in the past, it’s present in daily life. As part of the nonprofit sector and our role in serving communities, it is the responsibility of both nonprofit organizations and individuals to learn and acknowledge the disturbing truths of the Indian Residential School system and take deliberate action toward reconciliation. 

At CCVO, we have much of our own work to do. We are committed to our continuous personal learning journeys, to open our eyes, minds, and hearts to the truths that are evident. Through our work around community prosperity, we ask of the provincial government to create a robust social infrastructure investment which will directly promote diversity, equity and inclusion – both within nonprofit organizations and for nonprofits that promote diversity, equity and inclusion among vulnerable populations. Throughout the remainder of this year and into 2022, with the support of the nonprofit sector and community champions, we will continue to advocate for this investment. This funding would help to strengthen communities by uplifting and supporting diverse voices and needs.  

Thank you to the organizations that have created and shared resources about truth and reconciliation, and ways in which to support Indigenous communities. We’ve included some of these resources and posts from organizations below. We encourage readers to use these to support your own learning journeys and conversations in your organizations.  

Truth and Reconciliation Commission Reports 

White Goose Flying Report 
Calgary Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee 

Reclaiming Power and Place 
National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls 

Truth and Reconciliation Resources 
Calgary Public Library 

Book list guide: Reconciliation 
The Canadian Children’s Book Centre 

Message to the sector: how nonprofits can act together for real change 
Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations 

List of Reconciliation Resources 
Imagine Canada 

Indigenous Ally Toolkit 
Calgary Foundation 

Non-Indigenous People, Here’s What You Can Do Now 

Should you wish to give, please see this list from Calgary Foundation for local Indigenous-led charities. 


Coming Soon! Community Prosperity Now: A Blueprint


City of Calgary Priorities and Finance Committee Votes on Recommendations from White Goose Flying Report