City of Calgary Priorities and Finance Committee Votes on Recommendations from White Goose Flying Report

The White Goose Flying Report is a local adaptation of the federal Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) Calls to Action, and specifically looks at which of the 94 Calls to Action are actionable by Calgary’s municipal government. This report shares the story of Jack White Goose Flying, who died while attending Calgary’s only residential school, St. Dunstan’s Anglican School. The report bears witness to the fact that many other children were sent to the 10 residential schools operating in and around Calgary for 111 years, and the lasting impacts and traumas of these schools.  

The White Goose Flying Report suggests that if the City of Calgary implemented the three categories of recommendations identified by the Calgary Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee (CAUAC) – Own, Partner, and Encourage – The City would be moving toward sustainable reconciliation. 

Although the City of Calgary has made and continues to make progress towards reconciliation, there is still much to be done. On June 8, the City of Calgary Priorities and Finance Committee voted unanimously to:  

  • identify the advancement of the TRC Calls to Action as a priority for the City and a responsibility of all leaders and staff  

  • establish an annual report to Calgarians on progress made on the TRC Calls to Action, and  

  • bring forward a request to increase the budget for the Indigenous Relations Office through the November 2021 budget deliberations. 

Read the White Goose Flying Report on the CAUAC website. View the White Goose Flying Report verbal update in this presentation



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