Freedom to Care Act: Minister Aheer tables Bill 58

Yesterday, Minister Leela Aheer tabled Bill 58, the Freedom to Care Act. CCVO expects that this bill will pass and will come into effect on September 1, 2021.

Bill 58, the Freedom to Care Act, will:

  • Allow cabinet (through Order in Council) to grant one-time, short-term exemptions for non-profits from government regulations intended for business, where an exemption does not already exist.

  • Require the Minister of Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women to report annually to Cabinet on exemption requests that cannot be addressed through existing processes or legislation.

  • Provide individual volunteers with liability protections as long as harm was not caused:

    • by willful or criminal misconduct

    • when the volunteer was operating a motor vehicle

    • when the volunteer was unlawfully impaired by alcohol or drugs when the damage occurred

CCVO has previously shared our thoughts around the implications of the Freedom to Care Act for the nonprofit sector, and we hope to work together with government to ensure that those most vulnerable, and those who support them, will continue to be protected under this bill. 

Learn more about the Freedom to Care Act on the Government of Alberta website.


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