CCVO Request for Proposals: Connections Conference 2021 Event Producer

The Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations Is seeking a qualified and experienced event producer to manage the execution of CCVO's hybrid Connections Conference 2021, which will be held online, and in Calgary and Edmonton, on two consecutive days in early to mid-November (dates TBD), 2021. Further details about the event format are below.


Date of RFP closing: April 22, 2021
Interviews with shortlisted candidates: April 28 and 29, 2021
Final selection: April 30, 2021
Contract start: May 10, 2021
Value of contract: $20,000
Page limit of response: 8 pages

About CCVO

CCVO (Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations) is a registered charity that promotes and strengthens the nonprofit sector by developing and sharing resources and knowledge, building connections, leading collaborative work, and giving voice to critical issues affecting the sector.  


CCVO’s Connections Conference is an annual event that brings together professionals, leaders, and changemakers from Alberta’s nonprofit, business, and government sectors for learnings and dialogue to turn ideas into actions. It is an annual event dedicated to sharing innovative best practices and thought leadership that inspires action to tackle complex problems from a systems perspective. 


In 2021, CCVO is reformatting the Connections Conference in response to restrictions on in-person gatherings, and to reach a broader audience via online delivery. This year’s conference will be a hybrid version, consisting of two half-day virtual gatherings, and two in-person networking receptions – one in Calgary and one in Edmonton, AB. The in-person gatherings will each have a keynote speaker and be live streamed for online participants.

Because one of the strengths of the Connections Conference is networking opportunity for attendees, CCVO is seeking an event producer (or event production team) with experience and success in engaging, hybrid events.


Overall deliverables: for both in-person and virtual gatherings

  • Event concept, planning and production and overall event management and coordination.

  • Develop and update a detailed project plan for CCVO with estimated delivery dates and agreed-upon budget, which details anticipated tasks and expenses.

  • Be available on site for the entire duration of the conference – two half-day virtual sessions and two in-person networking receptions (one in Edmonton and one in Calgary).

  • Draft, manage, and distribute a complete production schedule for the entire conference, including load in, set up, rehearsals to all parties, including but not limited to the client, vendors, and venue.

  • Meet (virtually or in-person, depending on the nature of the relationship) and act as primary point of contact for related vendors, including but limited to the following:

    • food and beverage

    • audio & visual (including in-person event live stream)

    • lighting

    • virtual platform host for online gatherings

  • Schedule and be present for technical rehearsals, and invite necessary participants to these meetings.

  • Collaborate with CCVO to develop a script outline and provide timing cues for the overall event script to keep program on time and on message.

  • Distribute script to all participants in advance of technical rehearsals.

  • Work closely with CCVO Marketing & Communications team on event details for promotional purposes.

  • Maintain open communication and consultation with CCVO representatives and provide staff with regular event production updates.

  • Represent the company in a professional manner and respond to all inquiries in a reasonable time.

  • Maintain a budget spreadsheet of vendor costs related to the conference.

  • Secure the best possible pricing for all expenditures relating to conference, providing documentation (unless waived by CCVO) showing that a competitive, fair, and transparent request for quotations process was used and followed, where at least three vendors were considered and details supporting the reasoning as to why the selected vendor Is ultimately recommended.

  • Oversee and manage submission of all invoices to ensure payments can be made in a timely manner.

  • Develop a deployment schedule for execution of day of conference and days leading up to the conference.

  • Prepare final expense report for budget reconciliation to Included donations, discounts, and actual costs.

  • Provide participant, vendor and sponsor evaluations and thank you letters.

  • Submit a post-event evaluation report with recommendations to CCVO. 

Deliverables for two in-person networking receptions

  • Venue liaison, coordination, and production.

  • Assist with event logistics and liaise with the event venue which may include, but Is not limited to room bookings, AV, keynote speakers, venue staff, and signage for the entire event.

  • Setup and management of keynote speaker livestream for online participants (in partnership with any venue AV staff).

  • Catering for both events.

  • Book travel and accommodations for keynote speakers (up to two people).

  • Liaise with any security details as needed.

Deliverables for virtual conference (two half-day sessions)

  • Analyze CCVO’s conference needs and identify and recommend virtual event platforms to best suit the event (additional budget is available for the purchase of an event platform).

  • Design and manage an engaging virtual event, including networking time, to maintain attendee interest and ensure interactive learnings and dialogue.

  • Fully manage virtual platform technical logistics and event production for two half-day sessions.

  • Schedule and host virtual rehearsals with participants as necessary.

  • Be technical contact for attendees for troubleshooting on the days of the event.


The event producer (and any member of the event production team) is not responsible for identifying conference themes, topics, or speakers. CCVO staff will identify the content of the conference and confirm conference speakers. The marketing, advertising, sponsorship, and ticket sales for the conference are also the responsibility of CCVO staff, and not that of the event producer.


Interested individuals(s) or firms should respond to CCVO no later than April 22, 2021. A shortlist of vendors will be invited for interviews on April 28 and 29, 2021 with the final vendor selection made by April 30, 2021.

Please respond in a maximum of EIGHT (8) pages with:

  1. An overview of your approach for the deliverables required.

  2. A summary of your, or your team’s, background and past experiences similar to the services expected for CCVO’s conference – must include experience with hosting virtual events.

  3. A quote for services including fees and disbursements. This should Include the project based fixed fees, including description of all costs and fees that you propose to charge CCVO, and hourly rates of the event production team.

  4. A list of three (3) references for whom you have performed similar event services.

  5. Any additional information you believe will be relevant to the RFP and the event producer’s capability to provide the services.

Responses should be via email, PDF file format to:
Marisa Barber, CCVO Manager, Marketing & Communications

While we thank everyone for taking the time to submit a response, only those shortlisted for an interview will be contacted.


By submitting a proposal, the event producer acknowledges that it has read this RFP, understands it, and agrees to be bound by its requirements. The event producer understands and agrees that they are solely responsible for its own business expenses, except for pre-approved, reasonable business expenses related to the Conference such as travel accommodations. Event producer agrees to keep their fixed fee and other terms of their engagement open for at least sixty (60) days past the submission deadline. Once the event producer is selected, CCVO and the selected event producer must execute a contract prior to the selected event producer commencing services. The event producer agrees that the contract will be a complete and exclusive agreement and will supersede all prior communications between the parties. Should CCVO and the selected event producer be unable to agree on the terms of a contract within a reasonable time (at CCVO’s sole discretion), CCVO reserves the right to suspend or terminate negotiations without notice, and to pursue negotiations with another event producer. Any Connections Conference event producer Request for Proposal suspension or termination of negotiations shall be without liability to CCVO or the selected event producer(s). CCVO may terminate this process (in its sole discretion) and issue a new RFP for the requested services. Each event producer shall assume all fees and costs (including but not limited to legal fees) incurred in responding to this RFP and negotiating the contract with CCVO. CCVO shall bear no liability for any costs, fees, or liability incurred in connection with this RFP or any responses thereto. Event producer agrees that it shall not directly contact any CCVO Board Members or those who may otherwise have an affiliation with CCVO, in connection with responding to this RFP. Event producers who do not abide by this requirement may be disqualified from the RFP process.


Questions regarding this RFP should be directed to Marisa Barber, CCVO Manager, Marketing & Communications by email at


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