CCVO responds to upcoming City of Calgary Budget Cuts


By Lina Khatib, CCVO Policy Analyst

On Monday July 22, Calgary City Council will meet to review Administration’s proposal on cutting $60 million in the City’s operational spending. The City has been asked to make these cuts to make way for property tax relief for business owners in Calgary.

CCVO knows that cuts to City programs and services often mean further strain on the nonprofit community. We also know that our local nonprofits are persevering through some very challenging times and cannot continue to be asked to do more with less. CCVO made a submission to the Mayor and City Council, asking them to consider recommendations to help ease the impact on nonprofit organizations. The top three recommendations include:

  1. Preserving services that focus on vulnerable populations.

  2. Considering the overall operating budget of a program area or service before making cuts.

  3. Leveraging provincial and federal funding opportunities.

Click here to view the full submission.

In light of the looming budget cuts, a community coalition of organizations and Calgarians has formed and is asking the Mayor and City Council to not cut funding for some key services to Calgary’s vulnerable populations. To join the coalition or to find out more please visit:

Click here to watch City Council live on July 22, 2019.


Calgary City Council Decides Today on Proposed Budget Cuts


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