Alberta nonprofits launch new platform for collective advocacy

There are over 26,000 nonprofits across Alberta contributing more than $5.5 billion in GDP and employing over 286,000 employees. Throughout the pandemic, nonprofits have been on the frontlines stepping in to support communities, from healthcare to food security to housing and more. But nonprofits are seeing financial support diminishing, coupled with increased needs for their services.  

Nonprofit leaders have expressed the need for a platform that supports a unified voice for the sector and helps address the issues faced by the sector as a whole. Newly launched, The Nonprofit Vote is a nonpartisan platform created to bring light to the strength of Alberta’s nonprofits, while advocating for the support needed to allow them to continue the delivery of key services and community supports throughout the province. 

“Alberta’s nonprofits touch the lives of every person living in and visiting the province, whether it’s realized or not. The Nonprofit Vote harnesses the power of the sector and serves as a collective voice, one that is much stronger in speaking up for what we need. Communities – and the economy – will not recover if nonprofits aren’t deliberately included in recovery plans,” states Karen Ball, President & CEO of Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations. “Nonprofits have been on the frontlines of the pandemic.  We are stepping up to ensure that our sector is not on the sidelines of recovery.” 

The Nonprofit Vote currently hosts these four active campaigns: 

1: #nonprofitsvote Calgary 
2: #nonprofitsvote Edmonton 
3: #nonprofitsvote Wood Buffalo 
The #nonprofitsvote campaigns mobilize nonprofit staff, board members, clients and community members to vote with regional nonprofit priorities in mind in upcoming Municipal elections.   

4: Community Recovery Now 
This campaign calls for the Government of Alberta to invest 3.5% of the Alberta Recovery Plan or $350 million into a Community Recovery Fund targeted to support Mental Health; Diversity, Equity, Inclusion; Youth Engagement; and Digital Transformation. This investment would create 4,500 jobs in communities across Alberta, and specifically jobs for women and racialized people. 

Visitors can sign up to support campaigns and will be kept updated on campaign progress and news. 

Supporting Organizations of The Nonprofit Vote come from across Alberta and include Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (CCVO), Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) of AlbertaEdmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (ECVO), Fuse SocialThe Muttart Foundation, and United Way of Calgary and Area. These organizations will work in partnership throughout the fall and into 2022 to actively engage communities and all levels of government in increased support for nonprofits.  

Visit The Nonprofit Vote and see active campaigns at 


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