AGLC Small Raffle Limit: Update on CCVO’s Previous Advocacy Work

With the start of summer fundraising and the sales of small raffles, CCVO is providing an update on its efforts in 2015-2016 to raise the small raffle limit set by the Alberta Gaming & Liquor Commission (AGLC).

In 2015, the limit placed on small raffles was $10,000 which was implemented in 1995. However, this limit failed to account for the 56% inflation rate which occurred in the past decade. Consequently, nonprofits were restricted in their fundraising goals and there were high administrative costs and burdens of pursuing more licensing.

Along with letters of support from:

  • Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations

  • AHS David Thompson Health Trust

  • Volunteer Alberta

  • Grand Prairie Regional College

  • AFP Calgary and Area Chapter

  • Ethno-Cultural Council of Calgary

CCVO wrote a letter to the AGLC requesting that the limit for small raffles be increased to $20,000. This recommendation was accepted by the AGLC in July 2016 and is still in effect to this day, with nonprofits and community groups benefiting from the increased limit. To learn more about small raffle licensing, click here.


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