
Casting a vote, and encouraging others to do so, is the most direct and powerful influence in an election cycle. Imagine the full force of the more than 26,000 nonprofits in Alberta, and 170,000 in Canada joining together in an exciting and fun campaign to get out the vote.

During both provincial and federal election campaign times, CCVO launched the nonpartisan #nonprofitsvote campaign to encourage nonprofits to not only vote and encourage others to do so as well – but to also talk about the issues that matter to nonprofits, get informed on the parties’ positions on important issues, and have fun while doing it!

The nonprofit sector is powerful and important and together we can make sure that parties address issues that are crucial to all Canadians. CCVO Nonprofit Election Vote Kits have been created for both the Alberta 2019 Provincial Election and the Canadian 2019 Federal Election. Click below to explore each Vote Kit further.

These Vote Kits are specifically designed to provide tools to support #nonprofitsvote efforts during election campaign times.

CCVO’s Vote Kits help you to:

  1. Make a #nonprofitsvote plan with helpful templates for you to communicate in a nonpartisan way with your staff, boards, volunteers, and people who access your services.

  2. Get easy access to information on how and where to vote. There are a lot of resources out there and we will make it easy to find so you can share.

  3. Find information on issues important to the sector. CCVO creates political platform analyses, a election policy briefs, and resources to help you learn about election issues.

  4. Join the #nonprofitsvote campaign to show the strength, breadth, and importance of the sector by publicly committing to vote.

Alberta has more than 26,000 nonprofits – together we have strength in numbers. Let’s use our collective influence to get out the vote! Want to learn more about the reach and the impact of the sector? Download the infographic here.

For information on how your organization can engage in advocacy during the election, check out the CCVO Advocacy Tools, including resources such as the 2019 federal election nonprofit advocacy guide and 2019 provincial election toolkit. Are there other topics or resources you’d like to see to support your advocacy efforts? Let us know at policy@calgarycvo.org.

*CCVO is proudly nonpartisan. The #nonprofitsvote materials or activities are not intended to support or oppose candidates or political parties.