Nonprofit News: Alberta Budget, Nonprofit Connections, Funding Opportunities

Bell Let's Talk Day 2022

Today is Bell Let's Talk Day, a day for all of us to join in the conversation about mental health, support each other and work to end the stigma that exists daily. 

Over the past two years, in particular, Canadians' mental health has been deeply impacted by the pandemic. As we found in our work with Community Prosperity Now, the pandemic has directly impacted the mental health of many nonprofit employees due to an increase in economic stress, anxiety, social isolation; additional responsibilities such as child care and an increase in workload; loss of job security due to organizational financial loss, layoffs of colleagues, remote work, and COVID-19 related losses. While nonprofit employees have been working tirelessly to support those in our community, they themselves are in need of support.

Bell has shared helpful information and tips developed by the Canadian Psychological Association about how you can help yourself, your friends, and your family cope with stress and look after mental health. Small actions can have a great impact. Some of these actions include:

  • recognizing signs of stress

  • taking care of yourself

  • taking care of others

  • connect to help

  • helping to end stigma

  • listening with sympathy

Learn more about these actions on the Bell Let's Talk website, and download their conversation toolkit here. You can also learn more about steps your organization can take in our report Community Prosperity Now

Join in on social media 
On Bell Let’s Talk Day, Bell donates 5 cents to Canadian mental health programs for every applicable text, phone call, tweet or TikTok video using #BellLetsTalk, every Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, TikTok, Twitter and YouTube view of the Bell Let’s Talk Day video, and every use of the Bell Let’s Talk Facebook frame or Snapchat lens.

Let's support each other today and every day and help to end the stigma around mental health conversations. Our small actions can make a big impact.

An Anti-Racist Approach to Volunteering

A Report from the Volunteer Centre of Calgary
The volunteer sector provides an opportunity for citizens to contribute to the community socially and economically as well learn important skills. However, like other sectors built on white supremacy culture, the volunteer sector is racist and colonial. To ensure that everyone can participate in and benefit from volunteering in Calgary it is essential that volunteer organizations, funders, managers, and citizens reckon with the racism that is embedded in practices and structures.

For five years, the Volunteer Centre of Calgary has been working with an anti-racism coach to understand the ways in which racism and colonial practices are embedded in volunteerism structures. Along their learning journey, they realized that there was a data gap on race and volunteerism in Calgary and in Canada as a whole. With the support of the City of Calgary FCSS and Dr. Moyo Mutamba, the Volunteer Centre of Calgary has released a report, one which they hope is the start of a deeper dive into understanding the colonial structures inherent in volunteerism.

policy highlights

Institute for Community Prosperity Environmental Scan 2022
by James Stauch with contributions by Latasha Calf Robe

The Institute for Community Prosperity at Mount Royal Univerity has prepared scans of major current socio-economic trends and developments at local, provincial, national and international scales since 2015. This report, Sh*t's Getting Real, is the sixth such scan, peering into 2022. The scan covers topics such as economy, reconciliation, politics, housing, loneliness, climate, and many others.

As noted in this scan, we are living through a period of profound and permanent readjustment; institutions, sectors, conventions, and power relationships are being upended. This readjustment can intensify perceived divides; it is hoped that the observations and provocations from this scan can form the basis for dialogue, or at least debate. Read the full report here.

Nominations Open for Canada's Volunteer Awards

Canada's Volunteer Awards (CVA) program is about recognizing the significant contributions that volunteers, nonprofit organizations, social enterprises and businesses across the country make to help people and their communities. The Awards are about people working in partnerships to find new solutions to strengthen Canada.

Learn more about eligibility and guidelines on the Government of Canada website. Nominations are being accepted until March 4, 2022. 

funding & grants

Alberta Immigrant Mentorship Innovation Grant

The Government of Alberta has announced $1 million in funding meant to “help newcomers access mentorship opportunities to build their careers and further diversify Alberta’s economy”. This funding “supports organizations in delivering career mentorship programs that help newcomers find meaningful employment based on their work experience, education and skills”. To be eligible, projects must fall under one of four grant priority areas.

Nonprofits are eligible and must submit their application by February 14th, 2022. For more information please see the grant application guidelines.   

Upcoming Learning Opportunities

Generous Futures: Advancing
Disability Rights

January 31 | panel discussion

Strategic Planning: Anti-Oppressive Framework & Practice Workshop
February 1 | online workshop

Weather the Storm: Tools and Strategies for Nonprofit Sustainability
February 2 | online symposium

Centre for Race and Culture: Bridging the Intercultural Gap
various start dates | blended online course

Blogs & More

How to Budget in Uncertain Times, CCVO Guest Blogger Robin Butler, Supervisor NPO Division, Baker Tilly Catalyst
As we continue to navigate through uncertain times, it can be tricky to budget when a multitude of outside factors could change your course of action. Here are a few guidelines and tips that can be utilized to plan your budgeting even during turbulent times. First, it’s important to understand what a budget is and how it helps define your course for the coming year. A budget is a guide that can be either accrual or cash-basis format. It’s reviewed regularly (usually quarterly) and is utilized by board members, members of the organization, and potential funders and donors. It’s important to take the budgeting process seriously as it helps you discover new strategies, see if you’re on track, and make informed decisions. Read More →

Workplace Mental Health in the Age of COVID, CharityVillage Podcast
In this episode, CharityVillage President Mary Barroll discusses how nonprofits can better support their staff and volunteers when it comes to mental health. Experts speak about burnout, isolation and depression, as well as potential solutions designed to help employers create lasting change. Learn about how the ongoing pandemic has exacerbated the chronic mental health challenges faced by nonprofit professionals and how employers can better support their staff by creating psychologically and emotionally healthier workplaces. Listen →

Canada's Charitable Sector: What to Expect in 2022,The Philanthropist
The Philanthropist Journal asked sector leaders what you need to know in the midst of 2022’s shifts and uncertainties. In addition to operational challenges, the sector is facing growing pressure for concrete action on huge societal issues that aren’t going away: from the climate crisis to reconciliation and racial justice, and how those issues tie into everything from investing and the rules around non-qualified donees. Here are 12 things leaders say will be top of mind in the year ahead. Read More →


Nonprofit News: Black History Month, Gathering Community Safely


Nonprofit News: Alberta Budget, Nonprofit Connections, Funding Opportunities