Nonprofit News: 2022 CCVO AGM, Reverse Mentoring in Social Impact

Join us at the 2022 CCVO AGM!


At this year’s AGM, we will be presenting a dashboard highlighting the impacts of the pandemic on the nonprofit sector in Alberta, from our Mapping the Field research. We’ll give a high-level overview of impacts by subsector and discuss ways that organizations can use this data when advocating for support. We look forward to presenting the full research at our report release in November.  

We will also give updates on CCVO’s upcoming work – including our brand & membership exploration, civil society online marketplace, and engaging The Nonprofit Vote for the Alberta 2023 election.  

1:00 PM: Welcome and business meeting 
1:45 PM: Mapping the Field – nonprofit sector impacts dashboard presentation and Q&A 
2:15 - 3:30 PM: Reception 

AGM voting rights are available to one representative of each member organization. Not currently a CCVO member? Click below to renew or purchase a new membership. Not sure if you’re a member? Visit our member directory or connect with us at 

Please note: registration will be open until Wednesday, September 14.


ABNN Webinar: Attracting & Retaining Nonprofit Talent with a Group Retirement Plan

SEPTEMBER 14 | 10:00 - 11:00 AM | ZOOM

Like many leaders in the sector, you may be struggling to attract and retain talent and keep them engaged. In the past, employers have seen group retirement plans as a nice-to-have benefit. But the pandemic has changed that.

Join ABNN and Common Good in this webinar to find out why a group retirement plan can help your nonprofit address recruiting and retention challenges and provide employees with greater long-term financial security. In this webinar, you’ll learn why retirement benefits have become a priority for employees and job-seekers, and how much value a good workplace retirement plan creates for employees. You’ll also learn about the Common Good Plan, a modern TFSA and RRSP plan designed for the nonprofit sector.


Policy Highlights

Federal Budget 2023 Pre-Budget Consultations

Your organization can now submit recommendations for the 2023 federal budget. Consultations are an opportunity for nonprofits to raise awareness about and advance their policy priorities. Learn more about the consultations here, and submit your recommendations (following this written brief template) on the portal here.

Imagine Canada has created a simple pre-budget toolkit with instructions and templates to help you get involved and have your voice heard. Consultations are
open until Saturday, October 8. 

Imagine Canada Federal Policy Newsletter

Interested in getting involved in public policy and advocacy? Imagine Canada's Early Alert newsletter can help you by providing clear and timely updates on federal political news, tailored to nonprofits. What happens in Ottawa impacts your organization, but it can be hard to keep up with it all. Learn about legislation, government announcements, advocacy campaigns from the sector, new data and more. Subscribe here.

2022 Alberta Bhayana Awards Nominations Open

Over many years the Bhayana Family Foundation has created partnerships with United Way across Canada to recognize the extraordinary work in the nonprofit sector. The Bhayana Awards honour the work of staff from nonprofit organizations for Leadership, Innovation, Partnership and Community Building.

This year, along with many other Alberta nonprofits, United Way is opening the awards to all nonprofit staff in the province. Twenty awards of $1,000 are available across the province and recipients will be recognized at the virtual event on October 26.

If you know of a passionate, dedicated individual or team that works hard to help others and advance their nonprofit organization, complete the nomination form hereNominations are open until September 13.

Apply Today for Creative Day for Social Good

Capacity Canada, in partnership with Intertek Catalyst, Conestoga College,  HIM&HER, and the creative community, will donate design and marketing work to nonprofit organizations across Canada through Creative Day for Social Good (CD4SG).

CD4SG will bring together teams of art directors, writers, account managers, and other creative professionals who will donate their time to guide talented design and public relations students from Conestoga College. Last year, the event received more than 100 applications, for 10 spots, from nonprofits across Canada. The creative services total more than $100,000 of pro bono work to assist these worthy organizations in furthering their social impact. Learn more about CD4SG and apply here today. The deadline to apply is Monday, August 26.

Learning Opportunities

CMHA Alberta: Steps towards a comprehensive mental wellness strategy
August 25 | online

Leverage the Power of Young Generations for Your Nonprofit
September 15 | online

Answering Your Questions:
Legal Edition 

September 29 | online

Ontario Nonprofit Network:
Nonprofit Driven Annual Conference

November 2-3 | Toronto, ON

Mental Health First Aid Courses

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is the help provided to a person developing a mental health and/or substance use problem, experiencing the worsening of an existing mental health and/or substance use problem, or in a mental health and/or substance use crisis. Just like physical first aid is provided until medical treatment can be obtained, MHFA is given until appropriate support is found or until the crisis is resolved.

 Course participants will learn how to: 

  • Recognize signs that a person may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis. 

  • Have conversations that encourage a person to: Talk about declines in their mental well-being; discuss professional and other supports that could help with recovery to improve mental well-being; and, reach out to these supports. 

  • Assist in a mental health or substance use crisis. 

  • Use MHFA actions to maintain one’s own mental well-being. 

Various courses and dates are being offered from September to December. Visit the MHFA website to learn more.

funding and Grants

Government of Alberta Civil Society Fund

The Government of Alberta has opened the latest round of funding for the Civil Society Fund. According to the announcement, this “[f]unding is intended to help civil society transform how community organizations function, innovate and work together to address pressing social challenges”. Nonprofits can apply for up to $500,000 in grants “with an innovative project supporting social recovery or increasing economic participation for Albertans”. Applications for funding are due by September 2, 2022. Click here to learn more about how to apply.

ABNN Civil Society Fund Information Sessions
ABNN recently hosted information sessions for organizations to learn about the Civil Society Fund. See the recording from the July 25 session

Government of Alberta CIP Project-Based Grants

The Community Initiatives Program (CIP), Project-Based grant stream supports projects that enhance and enrich communities throughout Alberta by providing assistance to non-profit organizations for:

  • new programs/enhancement to an existing program

  • community events

  • gender equity projects

  • technology

  • portable equipment

CIP Project-Based funding is approved on a matching basis. The maximum funding available is $75,000. The next application deadline is September 15, 2022, for notification in March 2023. For more information, including eligibility requirements, how to apply, and recorded info sessions, visit the Government of Alberta website.

Digital Literacy Exchange Program

The Government of Canada Digital Literacy Exchange Program (DLEP) will invest $17.6 million to support initiatives aimed at teaching digital literacy skills to Canadians who face barriers to participating in the digital economy. The program aims to equip Canadians with the necessary skills to use computers, mobile devices and the internet safely, securely and effectively.

To qualify for funding, applicants are required to be a nonprofit organization that is incorporated in Canada. Applications must also clearly demonstrate that:

  • The organization has 3 years of experience in the delivery of digital literacy initiatives with a proven track record of success;

  • The proposed initiative will target underrepresented groups in the digital economy;

  • The proposed initiative will be delivered at no cost to participants;

  • With program funding, the organization will have the resource capacity and expertise, either internally or through partnerships, to successfully deliver the proposed initiative within the program timeframe and to measure and report on success;

  • The organization will provide a detailed project costs plan (Budget) for the proposed initiative.

Learn more about the program and eligibility here. Applications are due by September 7. 

All Sport One Day Extended Edition

All Sport One Day Extended Edition is an opportunity for Calgary children and youth ages 6 - 17 to try a new sport. It’s also a chance to discover a new passion. With over 100 sessions featuring 30+ activities to choose from, parents or guardians can enroll children in free sport sessions for a weekend of fun and adventure.

Activities take place at facilities all across Calgary from August 19 - 21. Learn more and register here today. Registration closes 48 hours prior to the start of each session.

Blogs & More

5 ways settler-led nonprofits can support Indigenous communities

As a sector, it is imperative for us to recognize that the nonprofit sector is built on and benefits from colonialism. Indigenous Peoples have told us many times how settler colonialism and anti-Indigenous racism tears apart families and communities and takes away the ability for Indigenous self-determination and well-being. Yet, we have not prioritized using our social, political and financial capital to decolonize and advance truth and reconciliation.

This post discusses five ways nonprofits can continue or begin their journey towards supporting Indigenous communities. Read more →

2022 Collaborative Leadership & Governance Series
Tamarack Institute

Collaboration is at the core of Tamarack’s approach to community change. From their inception as an organization, their community-based partners were encouraged to build their change efforts to include multi-sector partners, collaborating across traditional and non-traditional leaders in the community. 

To help equip you in your own leadership journey, Co-CEO Liz Weaver is launching the Collaborative Leadership & Governance series. This collection of articles and papers will help inform both the process and people aspects of effective collaboration, and provide you with a wide range of practical ideas and resources for pushing your own work forward. They will be releasing over 20 short papers over the next six to eight months as part of their effort to equip changemakers to make their collaborative work more inclusive.

Sign up to receive email updates when new resources are launched as part of the 2022 Collaborative Leadership & Governance Resource Series. Learn more →


Nonprofit News: RSVP for our 2022 AGM, Field Law Community Grant Program


Nonprofit News: 2022 CCVO AGM, CIP Project Based Grants