Federal Election Vote Kit
Join the #nonprofitsvote campaign and have your voice heard during the federal election! Use the Vote Kit resources* to help you create your vote plan and engage your organization in the voting process.
For information on how your nonprofit can engage in advocacy during the election, check out the Federal Election Nonprofit Advocacy Guide.
Join the campaign by committing to vote, and share the campaign with others!
Commit to vote and tell others about the campaign with this email template and sample social media posts.
Follow the #nonprofitsvote hashtag to keep up with the campaign during election time!
Print your #nonprofitsvote decal to display at the office, or at home!
Print your own #nonprofitsvote stickers with this Avery template (22830).
Print out this tent card for your desk – start the conversation with your colleagues, friends, and others who access nonprofits!
Read this CCVO blog post outlining tips for nonprofit professionals on how to engage people in voting.
Share your “I voted” story on social media using the #nonprofitsvote hashtag.
learn about the Election Issues
Do you know what the political parties’ positions on key issues are? Get informed so you can vote with confidence.
Read CCVO’s political party platform analysis for the nonprofit sector here.
Read the policies and promises of the six main parties on this election's pressing issues here.
Look out for the release of the 2019 Canadian federal election Vote Compass, which shows you how your views align with those of the candidates running in the election.
Check out a list of the political parties and their contact information here.
Read CCVO’s Federal Election Policy Agenda.
plan YOUR vote
Prepare the when, how and where of your personal vote plan. For more information on taking time off work to vote, voting by special ballot, mobile polls, and other voting accommodations, please click here.
Find your electoral district by entering your address here.
Who are the candidates in my riding? COMING SOON!
When do I vote? Election Day is Monday, October 21, 2019. Advance polls will be held Friday, October 11 through Monday, October 14.
How do I vote? Find out who is eligible to vote here and what ID is required here. Learn about the ways you can vote here.
For information on accessibility, see this Elections Canada video.
Where do I vote? The dates and address of your advance poll will be available on the Elections Canada website, on your personalized voter information card mailed to your home address, or by calling Elections Canada.
Alberta has more than 26,000 nonprofits – together we have strength in numbers. Let’s use our collective influence to get out the vote! Want to learn more about the reach and the impact of the sector? Download the infographic here.
For information on how your organization can engage in advocacy during the election, read our 2019 federal election nonprofit advocacy guide. Are there other topics or resources you’d like to see to support your advocacy efforts? Let us know at policy@calgarycvo.org.
*CCVO is proudly nonpartisan. The #nonprofitsvote materials or activities are not intended to support or oppose candidates or political parties.