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Anti-Terrorist Act

The Anti-Terrorism Act is a key component of the Government of Canada's overall anti-terrorism strategy. Charities and the directors and officers of charities that transfer charitable funds within Canada or internationally need to understand the restrictions and guidelines on these activities set out in the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act and of the Income Tax Act.

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Human Resources Issues for Alberta’s Nonprofits: Highlights of Human Resources Research in Community-Based Nonprofits

This January 2007 report is the first stage of a multi-year HR initiative, and it serves as a starting point for discussion about the future of Alberta’s voluntary sector workforce. It provides background information for considering the implications of a general shortage of skilled labour and the increasingly competitive market conditions in Calgary and across the province.

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The Voluntary Sector in Canada: National Statistics to 2006

In partnership with nonprofit organizations, Statistic Canada has conducted a number of studies on key characteristics of the voluntary sector. This In Brief describes three resources that provide great contextual information to help your efforts to inform supporters, staff and volunteers.

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Insurance Toolkit for the Voluntary Sector: A Guide for Nonprofits and Charities

Originally published in 2006, and developed for the for the Alberta Voluntary Sector Insurance Council (AVSIC), this is an easy-to-use guide to insurance that offers practical tips, tools and checklists to help charities and nonprofits understand their insurance needs and navigate the complex process of finding the appropriate insurance coverage.

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CCVO Op-Ed: Put that rebate to greatest use by helping others

As the end of the month approaches, Calgarians are opening their mailboxes and finding a $400 resource rebate cheque. For some, this money will provide welcome relief after overspending during the holidays; for others it will simply help make ends meet. For many in our booming economy, this is a unique opportunity to donate some or all of the money to the nonprofits and charities that make our city a great place to live.

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Financing Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations in Alberta

This report summarizes discussions from a meeting in November 2005 that brought together representatives from the voluntary sector; all levels of government; and funding organizations. The following key issues were discussed: the role of government in funding the voluntary sector; perceptions of duplication and proliferation of nonprofits and charities; funding of overhead and administrative costs; and project funding and core funding.

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Strength Under Stress: A Portrait of Calgary's Voluntary Sector

This study explores the strengths and challenges of voluntary sector organizations in Calgary and is a snapshot of their capacity to address the issues and contribute to the quality of life in our community. The study, undertaken in 2005, complements national level studies.

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Magnets and Glue

CCVO’s first position paper that identifies connections between social and economic development, and the value of partnerships between public, private and voluntary sectors to maintain a high quality of life. Published September 2005.

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CCVO Op-Ed: Charities Also Suffer When Premiums Go Up

When the insurance industry recently released its earnings report announcing a profit of  $4.2 billion last year, criticism focused on the high auto insurance premiums some drivers have been facing. This focus ignored another part of our society that has also been affected by increasing rates: non-profits and charities.

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CCVO Op-Ed: A Little Soul Food Would Truly Help

Paul Martin's external advisory committee on cities, led by former B.C. premier Mike Harcourt, is visiting Calgary today to get some advice on what can be done to ensure "our municipalities are vibrant, dynamic, healthy places to live."

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Alberta's Personal Information Protection Act

Alberta’s Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) was introduced on January 1, 2004, to govern the handling of personal information by organizations in Alberta. The Act tries to balance the individual’s right to have his or her personal information protected with the organization’s need to collect, use and disclose this information for legitimate and reasonable purposes.

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