A Whole New World: 4 Things to Watch for and Consider in the New OH&S Act
It’s now been just over a month since Alberta’s new Occupational Health and Safety Act took effect. To put it mildly, the changes are aplenty, and are taking workplace health and safety in Alberta to a place it’s never been.
Workforce Inclusion Plan
Our workforce is undergoing dramatic change and the ways we have traditionally envisioned our places of work are being challenged. Over the next decade, all industry sectors, including the nonprofit sector, will need to be creative in finding and retaining qualified employees.
Beyond the Boomers: A Guidebook for Building an Immigrant Workforce in the Nonprofit Sector
This guidebook is part of a long-term change initiative which focuses on developing awareness, attitudes and practices for creating culturally competent, inclusive and respectful nonprofit organizations.
Calgary HR Initiative Workforce Needs Survey Report
Workforce issues have changed substantially over the past year for the nonprofit sector in Calgary. The economic downturn has affected all aspects of organizational life including funding, service delivery and workforce. In order to understand the changes the sector’s workforce is undergoing, in summer 2009 CCVO launched the Calgary HR Initiative Workforce Needs Survey.