Reflections on 2018
Megan Dornstauder Megan Dornstauder

Reflections on 2018

This first few weeks of 2019 have been an exciting and busy time at CCVO! We began the year finalizing details for the first of our Policy Lunch & Learn series, continuing plans for the 8th annual Connections Conference, creating an Alberta Nonprofit Election Toolkit, and celebrating the approval of our 2019-2021 Strategic Plan. These activities, just some of the great work our team is focused on, reflect the adaptive thinking happening at CCVO, as we explore what it means to be an adaptive organization, and how we can support other organizations to be adaptive in the ever-changing environment we work in.

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Top Ten Nonprofit Policy Stories of 2018
policy blog, policy news Megan Dornstauder policy blog, policy news Megan Dornstauder

Top Ten Nonprofit Policy Stories of 2018

Happy New Year! With 2019 upon us, we are happy to share CCVO’s top ten list of policy stories for the nonprofit sector. 2018 was a year that saw many policy developments at the federal level with wide-ranging implications for the nonprofit sector. This list, in no particular order, briefly highlights those developments as well as stories from the provincial and municipal levels.

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