policy news Megan Dornstauder policy news Megan Dornstauder

The Alberta Sovereignty Within a United Canada Act

Bill 1, The Alberta Sovereignty Within a United Canada Act, has been tabled, passed third reading and will be law once it reaches Royal Assent, which Premier Smith has indicated will be in this fall session. There is currently potential for this Act to impact any nonprofits and charities in Alberta that fall under the Act’s definition of “provincial entity”.

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newsroom, policy news Megan Dornstauder newsroom, policy news Megan Dornstauder

Alberta nonprofits call for $30 million in emergency funds to keep sector afloat

Members of Alberta’s nonprofit community stood alongside business leaders at carya Village Commons on Tuesday to call for an urgent one-time cash injection of $30 million from the provincial government to keep the nonprofit sector afloat.

The ask for an urgent, one-time top-up of $30 million comes as nonprofits across Alberta juggle heightened demand for services with increasingly complex client needs while revenues decrease.

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Government Relations for Nonprofits 101
webinars, policy blog, community recovery Guest User webinars, policy blog, community recovery Guest User

Government Relations for Nonprofits 101

Each CCVO Capacity Building webinar offers participants the opportunity to submit questions to the presenter for consideration in a follow-up blog post. In his blog post, Puneet discusses lobbying for a movement and three key tactics that organizations should focus on when leveraging government relations to influence positive change. We encourage you to read his insights in this blog post.

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Government Relations for Nonprofits 101
webinars, policy blog, community recovery Guest User webinars, policy blog, community recovery Guest User

Government Relations for Nonprofits 101

Each CCVO Capacity Building webinar offers participants the opportunity to submit questions to the presenter for consideration in a follow-up blog post. In his blog post, Puneet discusses lobbying for a movement and three key tactics that organizations should focus on when leveraging government relations to influence positive change. We encourage you to read his insights in this blog post.

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policy news Guest User policy news Guest User

Bill C-470: An Act to Amend the Income Tax Act (Disclosure of Compensation For Registered Charities)

With the dissolution of Parliament on March 26, all bills that had not received Royal Assent, including Bill C-470 on compensation disclosure for registered charities, have been terminated. Bills cannot be reinstated; however, a new bill with the same or similar intent to that of Bill C-470 could be reintroduced in the next Parliament. MP Albina Guarnieri, who originally sponsored the Bill C-470, is not seeking re-election, so another member of parliament would have to introduce the bill.

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Anti-Terrorist Act

The Anti-Terrorism Act is a key component of the Government of Canada's overall anti-terrorism strategy. Charities and the directors and officers of charities that transfer charitable funds within Canada or internationally need to understand the restrictions and guidelines on these activities set out in the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act and of the Income Tax Act.

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Financing Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations in Alberta

This report summarizes discussions from a meeting in November 2005 that brought together representatives from the voluntary sector; all levels of government; and funding organizations. The following key issues were discussed: the role of government in funding the voluntary sector; perceptions of duplication and proliferation of nonprofits and charities; funding of overhead and administrative costs; and project funding and core funding.

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CCVO Op-Ed: A Little Soul Food Would Truly Help

Paul Martin's external advisory committee on cities, led by former B.C. premier Mike Harcourt, is visiting Calgary today to get some advice on what can be done to ensure "our municipalities are vibrant, dynamic, healthy places to live."

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