Provincial Spending Update
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Provincial Spending Update

If your nonprofit has been following the news or social media, you’ve likely seen some rumours of looming provincial cuts starting to swirl. The new provincial government is expected to release a budget in late October and speculation as to what it will hold has already begun. We have heard in traditional media, on social media, and directly from some organizations, that they are experiencing a “funding freeze”, ranging across sectors and issues, and is likely related to the fact that there is only an interim supply budget currently in place. This blog post provides an update on provincial spending in the midst of the UCP’s transition period and prior to their budget being finalized in October.

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Anti-Terrorist Act

The Anti-Terrorism Act is a key component of the Government of Canada's overall anti-terrorism strategy. Charities and the directors and officers of charities that transfer charitable funds within Canada or internationally need to understand the restrictions and guidelines on these activities set out in the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act and of the Income Tax Act.

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