Government of Alberta Announces Partnership with the United Way of Calgary and Area to Expand Social Innovation
The Government of Alberta has announced a partnership with the United Way of Calgary and Area to foster social innovation across the province through an expansion of the Social Impact Lab. According to the announcement, “With $1.75 million to be distributed over the next four years, the United Way Calgary and Area will expand its Social Impact Lab model with permanent locations in Edmonton and Lethbridge and pop-up labs across Alberta”. More information on ways your organization can get involved with the Social Impact Lab can be found here.
Human Resources Issues for Alberta’s Nonprofits: Highlights of Human Resources Research in Community-Based Nonprofits
This January 2007 report is the first stage of a multi-year HR initiative, and it serves as a starting point for discussion about the future of Alberta’s voluntary sector workforce. It provides background information for considering the implications of a general shortage of skilled labour and the increasingly competitive market conditions in Calgary and across the province.