Marketing and Communications for a Not-for Profit
ccvo blog Guest User ccvo blog Guest User

Marketing and Communications for a Not-for Profit

Marketing and Communications have always been vital to an organization’s success. As ways to communicate in the modern digital world multiply, that importance is only growing. In this guest blog, Caitlin Simpson, Communications & Marketing Coordinator at The Catalyst Group, looks at marketing and communications in the nonprofit sector and what an organization needs for success.

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Board Governance in a Not-for-Profit
policy blog, policy news Guest User policy blog, policy news Guest User

Board Governance in a Not-for-Profit

The Not-for-Profit team at Catalyst is passionate about ensuring the organizations they work with are set up for success, so they can spend their time really focusing on the impact they set out to create in the world. In this guest blog, Paige Shaw from the Catalyst Group discusses Board governance and how to ensure that your Board is comprised of passionate and capable individuals who believe in your mission and want to see your organization grow and succeed.

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Head in the Cloud: How Cloud Accounting Can Benefit Your Not-for-Profit
Megan Dornstauder Megan Dornstauder

Head in the Cloud: How Cloud Accounting Can Benefit Your Not-for-Profit

Technology moves and grows fast, and as a Not-for-Profit, it may not be a priority to explore the new advances. However, familiarizing yourself with new technologies to modernize your practices can be impactful to the crucial work you do every day for the community. It can help you save more of your funds, and free up time to focus on your mission. You’ve probably heard about “The Cloud” which is the catalyst for one of the newest beneficial waves of technology: Cloud Accounting.

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