Support Imagine Canada in Securing an $8 billion Stabilization Fund

The COVID-19 pandemic is having – and will continue to have – a significant impact on nonprofits and charities, their staff, volunteers, and the people they serve. Charitable organizations are front and centre of the pandemic and are immensely relied upon by the community. Many nonprofits and charities are critical in responding to the pandemic, as many of those affected will be from the most vulnerable communities.

Imagine Canada is projecting that three months of mandated social distancing and the economic downturn associated with COVID-19 will cause charities to lose $9.5 billion and layoff more than 117,000 employees – of which the vast majority would be women. If the situation continues for six months, coupled with a severe economic downturn, the sector is projected to lose $15.6 billion in revenue and about 194,000 employees.

Imagine Canada is currently in discussions with the federal government and has also sent a letter in support of creating an emergency stabilization fund including cash grants to charities and nonprofits and interest-free loans. CCVO has endorsed the letter along with 100 other organizations across Canada. We encourage you to also take part and in supporting Imagine Canada’s initiative.

There are three ways your organization can take action:

  1. Check out the organizations that support Imagine Canada’s approach. Email to add your name and organization to the list.

  2. How does this crisis affect your organization? Contact Imagine Canada in a quote, what impact the crisis has on your organization to help them present an overview of the impact of COVID-19 in our sector.

  3. Through their letter campaign, industry organizations have sent nearly 500 letters to their MPs and key ministers asking them to support our sector. We encourage you to resubmit it and share it on your networks.

Click here to view Imagine Canada’s letter to the federal government.


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