Fundraising Best Practices: Getting Back to Normal


Written for CCVO by Catalyst Guest Blogger Caitlin Simpson, with resources from John Phin of BNP Goldie Canada

As we get closer to normal life again, it’s important to evaluate your fundraising strategy and make sure you’re ready to pivot once more. Is your organization moving the needle on your mission? Too many people rely on you so there really is no option other than to go all in. This includes fundraising.

Catalyst recently hosted a webinar with John Phin, a manager at BNP Goldie Canada, guiding participants through time-honored principles, standards, benchmarks, and fundraising in a post COVID world. Here are the main learning points from the presentation:

Your case for support is the most important engagement tool you have 

When building or re-building your case for support, really consider your purpose. Remember that is not what you do but why you do it. A good place to start would be to revisit founding documents and really becoming acquainted or re-acquainted with your mission. Ask yourself why your organization exists, and why should people care? Put together your most compelling statements about how you move the needle on your mission and write it up.

Prospecting and donor development is a process

Get to know your constituents by researching them and looking into data. Remember they are all unique in some way and have their own philanthropic likes and dislikes. After getting to know them, use your knowledge to create meaningful engagements. It’s also important to remember that not everyone is going to be interested, which makes it important to focus on your core donors and supporters for the majority of the time.

Fundraising is 25% of Fund Development

It’s so much more than fundraising and requires strong leadership and volunteers. Fundraisers cannot and should not do it alone, so don’t forget to include others in your organization in initiatives. A culture of philanthropy is most likely already present in your organization, all you have to do is feed it.

If you were relevant then, you are relevant now

The good news coming out of the pandemic is that your organization is still as important as it was before, perhaps even more so. People will find their philanthropic footing again, and you need to be ready for when that happens. It’s time to dig into your database, power up research, and revitalize that case for support. It’s time to do the hard stuff you didn’t get to do in 2020, and remember (especially after the year we have all had) donors like to have a little fun!

Catalyst works extensively with Not-for-Profits and registered charities on all accounting related matters including bookkeeping, financial and tax reporting, audit support and senior financial professional outsourcing (CFO support).  They also host virtual roundtable sessions to assist charities and NPOs with their operations.

With a team of dedicated specialists in this area, Catalyst becomes a key member of the Not-for-Profit or registered charity’s team to align performance and organizational goals. There are several web-based programs that can assist in reporting requirements for a charity. Recently, Catalyst was named one of the fastest growing cloud accounting firms in Canada; they would be thrilled to bring their knowledge in this area to your organization. Feel free to contact Caitlin at 403-750-7696 or


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