Findings From the 2023 Boland Survey

The Boland Survey is Canada's most comprehensive source for nonprofit compensation data and HR practices. This year's Survey was completed in June and includes a Volunteer Report, Benefits Report, CEO Report, HR Report, and Regional and National Salary Reports. Some of the highlights of the Reports are below. 

Volunteer Report - Board Size 
Larger organizations tend to have larger boards. The average board size for organizations with an operating budget of under $1,000,000 was 8.8 people while the average board size for an organization with an operating budget of over $20,000,000 was 13.3 people. 

Benefits Report - Health and Wellness
Over 90% of organizations offer dental care and prescription drug plans for their employees.  Close to 75% of organizations provide benefits for vision care. Less than 20% of organizations provide coverage for fitness or social club memberships. 

HR Report - Vacation Time
60% of organizations give non management staff 3 weeks of vacation when they get hired. At 5 years of employment most organizations will give non management staff 4 weeks of vacation. 

Salary Report - Staffing 
Staffing problems increased this year with the average turnover increasing in all regions. British Columbia had the highest turnover rate at almost 50%. Average vacancy rates were also higher than the previous years in all regions except Ontario. 

See more examples of the type of information you can find in the Boland Survey by viewing the sample reports here. The Salary Reports include compensation data for over 90 different positions. Custom cuts for specific positions are also available for any organizations that do not want to purchase the full report. Find information on pricing and purchasing the Boland Survey here.


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