Emergency Community Response Fund Application Opens

As of May 19, community-based organizations may apply for the Emergency Community Response Fund that was previously announced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on April 21. This fund is a $350 million investment in organizations that are directly addressing social isolation and other pressing needs faced by vulnerable populations as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

More information and examples of projects and activities that may be approved can be found on the Emergency Community Response Fund webpage.

Selection Criteria

A project will only be approved for funding if it:

  • addresses a need caused by COVID-19 by supplying necessities or supporting activities of daily living,

  • serves a vulnerable population – including but not limited to – seniors, persons with disabilities, veterans, newcomers, Indigenous peoples, racialized people, women, children and youth, and the LGBT2Q+ community,

  • can be carried out in a relatively short time with a reasonable budget, and

  • has not received funding to cover the cost of activities from another intermediary, federal COVID-19 response fund, or any other source.

Applying for Funding

Applications will be reviewed by the below national intermediaries, in order to get funds quickly to community organizations. There are several application streams based on the status of the organization applying and the nature of the project being approved. Examples of projects that may be approved can be found on each intermediary’s website.

Canadian Red Cross

  1. Granting Program for Nonprofits

    Note that this stream is only for nonprofits. Registered charities who may be eligible should apply through one of the other intermediaries.

  2. Preventing Disease Transmission Training and Equipment

    Specifically aimed at funding provision of personal protective equipment and training on its use for organizations working on the frontlines, in low- to medium-risk environments.

For more information and to apply, visit the Canadian Red Cross website.

Community Foundations of Canada

Local community foundations will review applications received through a national portal. This stream is appropriate for qualified donees (including registered charities).

More information and the application can be found on the Community Foundations of Canada website.

United Way Centraide Canada

This stream is also appropriate for registered charities and other qualified donees. Applications will go through local chapters of United Way Centraide.

Visit the United Way Centraide website for more information, and to find your local chapter.


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