CCVO Supports Imagine Canada’s 2021 Federal Pre-Budget Submission


By Marokh Yousifshahi, CCVO Policy Analyst

The House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance launched its pre-budget consultations process and invited Canadians to participate by submitting a brief. The Committee asked Canadians for their insight about economic growth – more specifically, “measures the federal government could take to restart the Canadian economy, as it recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.”

We are grateful for Imagine Canada’s leadership in developing a list of recommendations that represent the needs of the nonprofit sector and are supportive of a Sector Resilience Grant Program.

The pre-budget consultations will result in a report tabled in the House of Commons in December 2020, which will be considered by the Minister of Finance in preparation of the 2021 federal budget.

The recommendations developed by Imagine Canada to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance include the following:

  1. A home in government for the sector: The sector would benefit greatly from a federal department, minister, agency, or secretariat charged with promoting the sector as a whole, and where the unique impacts of federal policies on charities and nonprofits are considered before decisions are finalized. This would include mandating funding systems appropriate for the sector, human resources strategy to strengthen decent work in the sector, collaboration with Statistics Canada to collect data and with the Canada Revenue Agency to modernize tax laws that support rather than hamper the sector.

  2. Reforms in the administration of grant and contribution programs: The grant and contribution programs would cover full administrative costs; ensure agreements cover a minimum of two years and have information required for application and reporting be commensurate with the level of funding; and a better integration of program management practices and standardizing service delivery across government departments.

  3. An investment in sector data: Having access to accurate sector data would lead to more informed decision-making, engagement in effective strategic planning, and the sustainability of sector programs and services. Collecting data at a federal level could provide a national basis for comparability and consistency and potentially provide a standard taxonomy for dialogue in cross-organizational work.

  4. Qualified donee reforms: The existing rules on qualified donees and direction and control make it difficult to form partnerships between charities, nonprofits, governments, and the private sector, to effectively respond to urgent community needs. Reform to existing rules on qualified donees and direction and control would ensure that public and charitable funds continue to be protected but in a way that allows organizations to respond more effectively to future crises.

These recommendations provide the sector with support and will be essential in recovery efforts. CCVO is supportive of the recommendations and looks forward to advocating with Imagine Canada on the issues most pertinent to the nonprofit sector.

We will provide updates on developments regarding the 2021 federal budget as they become available. Click here for Imagine Canada’s Federal Budget 2021 submission.


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