Calgary City Council Meeting Highlights: July 30

A few relevant items for nonprofits on the City Council agenda today in Calgary; here are the highlights!

Councillor Sutherland’s application to withdraw $250,000 in seed money from the Council Innovation Fund for the Calgary Community Court has been approved this morning. The Calgary Community Court is a collaboration of eleven organizations that has created a blueprint to divert vulnerable populations away from jail toward an integrated, court-monitored system of rehabilitative supports. The seed money will prepare the collaboration for operational readiness. You can find this on the agenda as item 7.15.

Also approved this morning, a new framework for disposing of land at less-than-market value to nonprofit organizations. The Standing Policy Committee on Utilities and Corporate Services had recommended this framework in order to create a more consistent process for working with nonprofits on land transactions below market value. Find the new framework here and on the agenda as item 7.22.

A Notice of Motion is also on the agenda today requesting $25 million from the Fiscal Stability Reserve for Crime Prevention and a new Mental Health and Addictions Strategy. The motion calls for the development of a community-wide mental health, addiction and crime prevention strategy, and a report from Administration on guidelines and scope. Find the motion here and on the agenda as item 12.1.1.

Watch the Council meetings now! Live streaming is available here. You can also find the agendas and minutes of all council and committee meetings on the city website .


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