Calling all Alberta Nonprofits: Help tell the nonprofit sector’s story in 2019


By Alexa Briggs, CCVO Director, Policy & Research

The annual Alberta Nonprofit Survey opens tomorrow, May 28. This survey is an opportunity to share your views and to help tell the story of the Alberta nonprofit sector.

 That story only gets told with your participation and submissions to the survey are instrumental in advocating for the sector.

Last year's survey raised the voices of nonprofits across Alberta through the invaluable participation of survey respondents. Based on those survey responses and follow up consultations, CCVO advocated for specific policy ideas on behalf of the sector prior to and during the recent provincial election; subsequently, several of the provincial political parties made commitments that reflected these ideas. 

This year, the survey has been simplified and will take less than 10 minutes to complete. It will once again be supplemented with data and personal perspectives gathered from focus groups and interviews, which will be conducted with nonprofit leaders across Alberta who complete the survey.

The results of this year’s survey will again inform the State of the Sector report. The report, which will be released this fall, will include:

  • the shared experiences of nonprofits in Alberta that help inform organizational decision-making and communications.

  • information about the strengths and challenges in the sector that helps educate and inform a range of stakeholders, including funders and governments.

  • your priorities and aspirations for the sector that help inform strategic planning and policy advocacy.

Let’s work together to paint an accurate picture of the state of the nonprofit sector in Alberta! Please complete the survey and share it with your networks starting May 28 and through June 30.

Thank you in advance for continuing to support this important work. We look forward to sharing the results of the 2019 survey with you in State of the Sector report this fall.  



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