Alberta Budget 2023, Coming Tomorrow!


By Alexa Briggs, CCVO Director, Policy & Research

The provincial budget will drop tomorrow and CCVO has been invited by the Minister of Treasury Board and Finance to an embargoed briefing before the budget is released publicly. We are very pleased to accept that invitation as it will give us time to look at the budget and respond quickly on what it might mean for nonprofits in Alberta.  

This year is an interesting budget year because the provincial election is in May, just three months away, which means that commitments in the budget should be viewed as an unofficial campaign launch. It also means that there will be very limited runway for the implementation of any budget commitments prior to the election. Because this is an election year with the budget dropping so close to the writ, CCVO’s analysis is going to be a little lighter this time around. We will be looking out for commitments we asked for in our own budget request for the nonprofit sector, and commitments that we can hold the UCP to, should they form government again in May.  

We will also be seizing the advocacy opportunity of this election cycle to secure campaign commitments from all parties during the election period. CCVO and our Nonprofit Vote partners will be launching comprehensive platform priorities in mid-March and we hope you will join us once again in showing that #nonprofitsvote!  

Watch for comments from CCVO and our partners following the budget release, as well as our platform priorities in March, and find tools to help your organization in election advocacy planning here. Please share your organization’s election advocacy efforts with us so that we can amplify them. Happy budget day, and here’s to election season! 


Budget 2023 and Alberta’s Nonprofit Sector


CCVO Releases 2023 Provincial Pre-Budget Submission