2023 Platform Priorities Update April 13-20


By Alexa Briggs, CCVO Director, Policy & Research

Your Weekly Update on The Nonprofit Vote 2023 Platform Priorities

Our 2023 Election Priorities 

Join us! We asked the UCP and NDP leaders to present their vision for the nonprofit sector and are pleased to present An Afternoon with Rachel Notley on April 24. Learn more and RSVP at this link. We look forward to confirming a date with Danielle Smith in the future.  

Our sector has a responsibility to speak up about the issues that matter to us. If we stay silent, we let others drive the agenda, and we’re less likely to see commitments that support our essential work. That’s why every week, we highlight priority issues raised by members of our sector, that remind political candidates and parties that #nonprofitsvote. On the docket this week: CPAWS and the Social Policy Collaborative! Please be in touch if you’d like to see your nonprofit advocacy work featured.  

We’re also giving love to the 5th of The Nonprofit Vote Platform Priorities: An Empowered Sector. As experts in our field, we want to increase our sector’s impact by ensuring we are included in shaping funding processes – and improve the responsiveness, impact and efficiency of our critical services. To learn more, check out the priorities here.   

Nonprofit workers are nearly 300,000 strong, and our work benefits the 4.4 million people who call Alberta home. Our voices matter. 

Election Advocacy 

In September 2022, the Social Policy Collaborative shared their three key policy recommendations to grow Alberta’s affordable housing stock. They include:

  1. Capital Investment: Commit $90 million each year to deliver on the province’s affordable housing goals

  2. Resiliency: Review operating agreements with service providers to better understand appropriate funding levels to address growing challenges facing vulnerable Albertans

  3. Resiliency: Provide an immediate 10% increase and fully index existing operating agreements to inflation. Click here to find out more. 

Election Resources 

Voting for nature in the upcoming election? CPAWS has resources to help you evaluate party platforms. Critical issues they have identified include: land-use planning that protects nature, participating in Canada’s goal to protect 30% of our land and water by 2030, participating in Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas, protecting our water, and increasing research funding.  

To be in touch with your elected representatives to discuss the importance of protecting Alberta’s natural spaces, CPAWS has put together this helpful Toolkit for Effective Action.  

Support the Priorities and Share 

  1. Go to https://www.thenonprofitvote.ca/platform_priorities and send a letter with one click to the party leaders asking them to include the 5 priorities for the nonprofit sector in their election platforms. Then send that link to everyone you know who supports nonprofits and ask them to do the same!  

  2. Share this campaign on social media! Here’s some content that can get you started:  

    • The @nonprofitvote’s 5th Platform Priority is: An Empowered Sector. Together, let’s make funding go further by cutting red tape and sharing decision-making with nonprofits on the most effective allocation of government dollars. Find out more: www.calgarycvo.org  #ableg #elxn2023 #abnonprofits #nonprofitsvote  

    • In a survey by @calgarycvo, 75% of survey respondents would like to see changes to current provincial funding models and practices. Call on your party leaders to support this and other #abnonprofit priorities at the link below. www.thenonprofitvote.ca/platform_priorities #ableg #elxn2023 #abnonprofits #nonprofitsvote 

Send us Election Advocacy Efforts to Share 

The election season is just getting underway and we’d love to promote the advocacy efforts of your nonprofit. Send them our way so we can share here and on our socials! 


Budgeting Basics


2023 Platform Priorities Update April 6 - 13