What’s Wrong with Shutting Down Nonprofit Advocacy?
policy blog Guest User policy blog Guest User

What’s Wrong with Shutting Down Nonprofit Advocacy?

There’s a troubling trend drifting up from south of the border and it’s not just COVID-19 case counts. We’re talking about the tendency to think of policy and political issues in partisan terms only. As in the Liberals “own” child care, the NDP “own” poverty reduction, the Green Party “owns” the environment, and the Conservatives “own” small business tax breaks. This blog post by ONN's Director of Policy, Liz Sutherland, and CCVO's Director, Policy & Research, Alexa Briggs, looks at policy, nonpartisanship, polarization, and democracy.

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A Community Prosperity Strategy for a COVID-19 Recovery
policy blog, community recovery Guest User policy blog, community recovery Guest User

A Community Prosperity Strategy for a COVID-19 Recovery

Over the last few months, CCVO has drafted several recommendations and released them in a blog series. These recommendations built on the report we released this summer where CCVO committed to supporting the nonprofit sector in making the COVID-19 crisis an opportunity. This final blog post revisits the importance of a community prosperity strategy and the recommendations that we have drafted for each set of stakeholders.

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