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Standing Committee on Alberta’s Economic Future Releases Final Report of Lobbyists Act Review

The Standing Committee on Alberta’s Economic Future has released the final report regarding their review of the Lobbyists Act. Last year, CCVO, in partnership with ECVO, provided a joint submission as well as a made a presentation directly to the committee recommending that the exemption for public benefit nonprofits be upheld as it had been in previous reviews. CCVO is pleased that the committee has heard the voice of nonprofits and recommended that the exemption be upheld. This decision will ensure that the Lobbyists Act does not create both unnecessary red tape for the Government of Alberta and unnecessary work for the Alberta nonprofits working in the public interest and for public benefit.

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Government of Alberta Provides Update on the Stabilize Program

In their recent announcement, the Government of Alberta provided an update on spending during the second phase of the Stabilize Program, which supports the live-experience sector in Alberta. According to the announcement, “About $5.6 million in community support went to 60 organizations, including matched funds from 68 pledges”. More specifically, “about $1.7 million went to 56 non-profits that host live experiences or that own and/or operate live-experience venues through the Adapt and Innovate stream of the Stabilize Program”. The announcement does not mention any future funding for the Stabilize Program.

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Government of Alberta Announces Partnership with the United Way of Calgary and Area to Expand Social Innovation

The Government of Alberta has announced a partnership with the United Way of Calgary and Area to foster social innovation across the province through an expansion of the Social Impact Lab. According to the announcement, “With $1.75 million to be distributed over the next four years, the United Way Calgary and Area will expand its Social Impact Lab model with permanent locations in Edmonton and Lethbridge and pop-up labs across Alberta”. More information on ways your organization can get involved with the Social Impact Lab can be found here.

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Government of Alberta Announces Results of Community Initiatives Program Funding

According to the latest results of the Community Initiatives Program funding, $4.4 million will be released to nonprofits working in the community. Under the project-based funding stream, “a total of $2.3 million is supporting 69 projects, including new or enhanced programs and community events”. Under the operating based funding, “a total of $2.1 million is supporting 34 non-profits working to deliver services to vulnerable and disadvantaged Albertans. This funding can go to core operations and organizational development activities”. A list of successful past recipients can be found here. The next application deadline for this funding is May 15th. More information on how to apply for the project-based stream can be found here while information on the operating stream can be found here.

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Premier's Council on Charities and Civil Society Releases Report on Supporting Women's Economic Recovery

The Premier’s Council on Charities and Civil Society has released a new report titled Supporting Women’s Economic Recovery. The report provides “advice on how civil society and government can work together to address challenges faced by women, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic”. CCVO participated in the open call for input into this report and published our recommendations which can be found here. The report incorporates several of the recommendations made. We commend the Council for taking on this work and encourage them to continue to explore the creative ways that nonprofits can address systemic issues faced by women.

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Government of Alberta Announces Recipients of Nonprofit-Specific Funding

The Government of Alberta has announced the successful recipients of the Civil Society Fund and the Women’s Economic Recovery Challenge Grant. A total of 22 nonprofit organizations will receive the Women’s Economic Recovery Challenge Grant, which aims “to help enhance economic opportunities for women and girls”. The amount of funding available increased from the original $1 million to $3.6 million due to high demand.

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New members appointed to the Advisory Committee on the Charitable Sector

On April 5, the Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, Minister of National Revenue, announced the appointment of nine new members to the Advisory Committee on the Charitable Sector (ACCS). The Advisory Committee on the Charitable Sector (ACCS) is a consultative forum for the Government of Canada to engage in meaningful dialogue with the charitable sector, to advance emerging issues relating to charities, and to ensure the regulatory environment supports the important work that charities do.

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Government of Alberta Announces Matching Donations for Sport Recreation Programs as part of Creative Partnerships Alberta

The Government of Alberta recently announced a new campaign that will match individual donations up to $1,000 made to “eligible provincial sport, physical activity and recreation programs”. The campaign will run from April 1 to August 30, 2022, or when the maximum matching of $350,000 is reached. Donations can be made through the Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation (SPAR) Donation Fund Program online portal starting April 1.

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CCVO Releases Budget 2022 Analysis for Nonprofits

CCVO has recently released their in-depth analysis of Budget 2022 for nonprofits. Under the theme of “moving forward”, this budget outlined a fiscal plan for the next three years, with the focus on economic recovery in Alberta. In this budget, the Government of Alberta announced three key priorities and outlined their objectives for each priority area in the strategic plan. The budget projects total revenue of approximately $62.6 billion while total expenses, including the COVID-19 Recovery fund, will equal approximately $62,096 billion, leaving a surplus of $511 million.

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CCVO to Host 2022 Alberta Budget Analysis Event for Nonprofits

With the release of the 2022 Alberta Budget yesterday, CCVO will be working on a detailed budget analysis over the coming weeks (read their initial analysis here). On March 22, CCVO will host a presentation and panel discussion focused on the budget, including a walk-through of their detailed analysis by CCVO Research Manager Kirsten Boda. After the presentation of the analysis, CCVO President & CEO Karen Ball will moderate a panel discussion focused on what Budget 2022 means for the nonprofit sector, followed by audience Q&A.

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Alberta Immigrant Mentorship Innovation Grant

The Government of Alberta has announced $1 million in funding meant to “help newcomers access mentorship opportunities to build their careers and further diversify Alberta’s economy”. This funding “supports organizations in delivering career mentorship programs that help newcomers find meaningful employment based on their work experience, education and skills”. To be eligible, projects must fall under one of four grant priority areas.

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Alberta Immigrant Mentorship Innovation Grant

The Government of Alberta has announced $1 million in funding meant to “help newcomers access mentorship opportunities to build their careers and further diversify Alberta’s economy”. This funding “supports organizations in delivering career mentorship programs that help newcomers find meaningful employment based on their work experience, education and skills”. To be eligible, projects must fall under one of four grant priority areas.

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Government of Alberta Announces new Crowdfunding Platform for Nonprofits

The Government of Alberta has announced a new crowdfunding platform, intended to support organizations to fundraise online. According to their release, the Crowdfunding Alberta platform is meant to “enable organizations to quickly raise money by collecting small, individual contributions from a large pool of donors through an online platform and help donors find local non-profits and causes they care about”. In addition to managing the platform, the government is providing $1 million in “top-up” funding aimed at encouraging donations through the platform.

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Women’s Economic Recovery Challenge Grant Program

The Government of Alberta recently announced the Women’s Economic Recovery Challenge Grant Program. The purpose of this new program is to fund, “initiatives led by Alberta nonprofit organizations that help enhance women’s economic opportunities by providing strategies and solutions to address barriers and engage more effectively in the economy”.

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Government of Alberta and Federal Government Affordable Childcare Agreement

The Government of Alberta and the Federal Government have reached an agreement regarding affordable childcare in Alberta. Read the Government of Alberta’s announcement here and the Government of Canada’s announcement here. According to the Government of Alberta, “this plan will reduce fees for parents of children aged zero to kindergarten by half in early 2022 and provide an average of $10 per day childcare by 2026”. This agreement brings a total of $3.8 billion to Alberta that will be invested over the next five years. Different tiers of funding based on income will be available for parents of children aged 0 to kindergarten.

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