Government of Alberta Second Round of Civil Society Funding
The second round of the Civil Society Fund (CSF) through the Government of Alberta is now open for applications. Full updated guidelines regarding eligibility and how to apply have also been released. The CSF was created “to expand civil society capacity” by providing $20 million in funding over three years with the first round of funding released in fall 2020. This second round of funding “will focus on achieving social recovery and inclusive economic participation by building civil society’s capacity to address social challenges impacting Albertans”.
Alberta Public Inquiry into Anti-Alberta Energy Campaigns
Last week, Sonya Savage, Minister of Energy, presented the results of Commissioner Steve Allan’s report on the Alberta Public Inquiry into Anti-Alberta Energy Campaigns. CCVO has previously noted our concerns with this public inquiry, including the potential impacts on nonprofit organizations. CCVO and the Ontario Nonprofit Network (ONN) have articulated how essential the nonprofit sector is in public policy discourse.
Restrictions Exemption Program Implementation Grant
The Government of Alberta has announced the new Restrictions Exemption Program Implementation Grant (REPIG). This grant provides a one-time payment of $2,000 to eligible small- and medium-sized businesses that implement the Restrictions Exemption Program (REP) across Alberta. The purpose of this grant is to “offset costs associated with a proof of vaccination program”.
Alberta nonprofits launch new platform for collective advocacy
Nonprofit leaders have expressed the need for a platform that supports a unified voice for the sector and helps address the issues faced by the sector as a whole. Newly launched, The Nonprofit Vote is a nonpartisan platform created to bring light to the strength of Alberta’s nonprofits, while advocating for the support needed to allow them to continue the delivery of key services and community supports throughout the province.
Read the Third Report from The Advisory Committee on the Charitable Sector
The Advisory Committee on the Charitable Sector (ACCS) has released its third and final report, which includes 23 recommendations, and continues and builds on the work of the first report released in March 2021 and the second report released in April 2021.