Join the #nonprofitsvote Campaign! Nonprofit Vote Kit Now Available

Join the #nonprofitsvote Campaign! Nonprofit Vote Kit Now Available

CCVO has launched #nonprofitsvote, an exciting campaign, to encourage nonprofit staff, board members, volunteers, and people who access the services of nonprofits to engage in the upcoming provincial election. The campaign is a nonpartisan effort to ‘get out the vote’ by increasing nonprofit voter participation in the Alberta 2019 provincial election.  

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The Alberta Nonprofit Election Toolkit Has Launched!

The Alberta Nonprofit Election Toolkit Has Launched!

We’re excited to announce the release of the complete Nonprofit Election Toolkit - a practical guide for nonprofits to engage in advocacy during the 2019 Alberta election. We created this Toolkit to support nonprofits in engaging more deeply in public policy advocacy and to inspire conversations about the crucial role that Alberta nonprofits play in our communities.

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'Decent Work for Women' in the Nonprofit Sector
policy blog, policy news Guest User policy blog, policy news Guest User

'Decent Work for Women' in the Nonprofit Sector

In celebration of International Women’s Day, let’s take a moment to acknowledge the women who work tirelessly in the nonprofit sector – and also honour them by committing ourselves to reaching parity. We'd like to draw your attention to the exceptional work of the Ontario Nonprofit Network (ONN) in a recent report: Decent Work for Women. This report is focused on the experiences of women working in the nonprofit sector in Ontario. In this post, we discuss its findings – and how we can take these findings into consideration in Alberta.

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Get Out the Vote and Join #nonprofitsvote

Get Out the Vote and Join #nonprofitsvote

With more than 26,000 nonprofits in Alberta, it’s not a stretch to say that nonprofits touch the lives of every single Albertan, whether it be as staff, volunteers, board members, or clients. Nonprofits have a responsibility to speak up about the issues that matter to us and drive us to make positive contributions to our communities. In the final post of our election toolkit, learn how we can use our collective voice to encourage #nonprofitsvote and make a difference.

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My Reflections on CCVO’s Policy Lunch and Learn: Nonprofit Advocacy 101
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My Reflections on CCVO’s Policy Lunch and Learn: Nonprofit Advocacy 101

We kickstarted our first lunch and learn with a short presentation, making the case on why advocacy work is critical to our success as a sector. The strength and impact of the nonprofit sector peaked a lot of interest, as several attendees were spotted taking photos of the presentation and jotting down notes around the impressive stats on the sector. I appreciated the overall positive tone of the conversation among participants and during the session, and later reflected on how advocacy can often be a long and difficult journey with road blocks along the way.

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After the Election, the Real Work Begins

After the Election, the Real Work Begins

It’s important for nonprofits to recognize that advocacy efforts need to start well before the advent of an election campaign – and continue afterwards as well. After all, policy advocacy is a journey, not a destination. If a specific policy proposal finds its way into a political party’s election platform, it’s often the result of a lot of hard work in the months, and even years, prior to an election. Here are five critically important ways for nonprofits to follow up after the election.

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Top Ten Nonprofit Policy Stories of 2018
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Top Ten Nonprofit Policy Stories of 2018

Happy New Year! With 2019 upon us, we are happy to share CCVO’s top ten list of policy stories for the nonprofit sector. 2018 was a year that saw many policy developments at the federal level with wide-ranging implications for the nonprofit sector. This list, in no particular order, briefly highlights those developments as well as stories from the provincial and municipal levels.

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