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Shuffling the Deck

In the wake of a cabinet shuffle, there tend to be more questions than answers, and the one Premier Redford announced Friday is no different - particularly as it relates to Alberta’s social services sector, where employment and skills training has been removed from the Human Services Portfolio.

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Alberta Budget 2014 Submission

CCVO’s submission on Alberta Budget 2014 makes recommendations related to the ongoing sustainability of the nonprofit sector and its workforce, as well as the need for transformational change efforts to be supported with timely consultation and predictable funding.

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Make your voice heard October 21!

With less than a week until the municipal election, it has become all too apparent that something is missing from the debate. Where is the exchange about what we want Calgary to become? Tax rates are important, but at some point, shouldn't we see taxes for what they are - a means to an end? And when we’re talking about the “end”, shouldn't we be thinking well beyond the next electoral cycle?

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Results-Based Budgeting Presentation

CCVO hosted a sold-out session with Ministry of Human Services staffers Lana Lougheed, Chief Strategy Officer and Brenda Lee Doyle, Assistant Deputy Minister, Disability Services Division to discuss how Results-Based Budgeting is being implemented in Human Services and informed by the Social Policy Framework.

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Influencing Public Policy: Update

CCVO has updated it's 2010 publication Influencing Public Policy to reflect new changes from the CRA. This resource helps nonprofits understand what advocacy activities are considered allowable, under the guidelines of the Canada Revenue Agency Policy Statement on Political Activities (CPS-022).

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Serving Up Change

A number of unique items appeared on the menu during Premier Redford’s leadership bid and in the 2012 general election. There was stable and predictable funding for the nonprofit sector, wage parity with comparable positions in the public service, and meaningful involvement in the public policy process.

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Federal Lobbying Act

In 2008, a new Lobbying Act and Regulations came into force as part of the Federal Accountability Act. Charities and nonprofit organizations that meet the threshold for federal lobbying activities set out in the Act are subject to the Act’s Regulations and Code of Conduct.

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CRA's Rules for Advocacy by Charities

Across Canada, charities have a wealth of in-depth knowledge about their community and the populations they serve. Organizations working on the ground can identify new or emerging issues and opportunities, and be a source of insight and expertise. Sharing this knowledge with all levels of government can lead to the development of and implementation of effective policies that build a healthy and vibrant community.

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Bill C-470: An Act to Amend the Income Tax Act (Disclosure of Compensation For Registered Charities)

With the dissolution of Parliament on March 26, all bills that had not received Royal Assent, including Bill C-470 on compensation disclosure for registered charities, have been terminated. Bills cannot be reinstated; however, a new bill with the same or similar intent to that of Bill C-470 could be reintroduced in the next Parliament. MP Albina Guarnieri, who originally sponsored the Bill C-470, is not seeking re-election, so another member of parliament would have to introduce the bill.

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