Advocate with Confidence: A Guide for Nonprofits
The collective expertise and knowledge within the nonprofit sector represent invaluable insight and on-the-ground experience that can help inform policy direction and decisions. Plans to address the pandemic and subsequent economic recovery are likely to be at the forefront of this election cycle. With the increasing demand for services, it is important that this federal election recognizes and supports the role of nonprofits in rebuilding the community and economy. This election represents an opportunity for nonprofits, including those that access the services of and those who work in the sector, to come together to advocate for underrepresented and underserved populations, as well as for the sector as a whole.

Coming Soon! Community Prosperity Now: A Blueprint
In addressing the challenges that the nonprofit sector is facing due to the pandemic, CCVO’s first order of priority is to centre community in Alberta’s recovery and address the gap in Alberta's recovery plan and recent budget. CCVO made a submission to the provincial government pre-budget with a request for a $350 million investment into a Social Infrastructure Fund. Social infrastructure are assets to society that support the quality of life of a nation, region, city, or neighbourhood. In consultations around our Social Infrastructure Fund ask, we heard that it was a bold ask, but needed. Based on the rich feedback we have received, we have updated that ask and the revised report will be released by the end of June 2021.

Government of Alberta Budget 2021 Analysis
The provincial government’s Fiscal Plan for 2021 includes recurring themes of economic recovery, economic growth, and job creation. This report, created in partnership with the Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (ECVO), is an analysis of Budget 2021 as it relates to the nonprofit sector in Alberta, which includes highlights of key Ministries.

2021 Update on Government Subsidy Programs Available for Non-Profits During COVID-19
It’s been a year of change and uncertainty. As we all navigate the impacts of COVID-19, it’s important to utilize the programs available if your Not-for-Profit is struggling. In this blog post, CCVO Guest Blogger Robin Butler provides an update from her December 2020 blog post.

What’s Wrong with Shutting Down Nonprofit Advocacy?
There’s a troubling trend drifting up from south of the border and it’s not just COVID-19 case counts. We’re talking about the tendency to think of policy and political issues in partisan terms only. As in the Liberals “own” child care, the NDP “own” poverty reduction, the Green Party “owns” the environment, and the Conservatives “own” small business tax breaks. This blog post by ONN's Director of Policy, Liz Sutherland, and CCVO's Director, Policy & Research, Alexa Briggs, looks at policy, nonpartisanship, polarization, and democracy.

A Community Prosperity Strategy for a COVID-19 Recovery
Over the last few months, CCVO has drafted several recommendations and released them in a blog series. These recommendations built on the report we released this summer where CCVO committed to supporting the nonprofit sector in making the COVID-19 crisis an opportunity. This final blog post revisits the importance of a community prosperity strategy and the recommendations that we have drafted for each set of stakeholders.

Leveraging the Alberta Community Advantage: Recommendations for the Private Sector in Building a Community Prosperity Strategy
Our previous #ABCommunityAdvantage posts provided recommendations for the nonprofit sector, the provincial government, and funders and other stakeholders to build a Community Prosperity Strategy that leverages the Alberta Community Advantage. This post focuses on recommendations for the private sector and how it can continue to support the nonprofit sector.

Update on Government Subsidy Programs Available for Not-for-Profits During COVID-19
It’s been a year of change and uncertainty. As we all navigate the impacts of COVID-19, it’s important to utilize the programs available if your Not-for-Profit is struggling. In this blog post, CCVO Guest Blogger Robin Butler discusses important tips for the existing subsidies, NPO-specific considerations for those subsidies, as well as Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission (AGLC) funding guidelines.

Leveraging the Alberta Community Advantage: Recommendations for Funders and Other Stakeholders in Building a Community Prosperity Strategy
In our previous #ABCommunityAdvantage posts, CCVO suggested recommendations for the provincial government and the nonprofit sector in building a Community Prosperity Strategy that leverages the Alberta Community Advantage. This post focuses on recommendations for funders and other stakeholders, who have also had to make rapid pivots since the onset of the pandemic.

Leveraging the Alberta Community Advantage: Recommendations for Funders and Other Stakeholders in Building a Community Prosperity Strategy
In our previous #ABCommunityAdvantage posts, CCVO suggested recommendations for the provincial government and the nonprofit sector in building a Community Prosperity Strategy that leverages the Alberta Community Advantage. This post focuses on recommendations for funders and other stakeholders, who have also had to make rapid pivots since the onset of the pandemic.

Leveraging the Alberta Community Advantage: Recommendations for the Government of Alberta in Building a Community Prosperity Strategy
CCVO’s previous #ABCommunityAdvantage post highlighted recommendations and the role nonprofits can play in the current efforts to build back and work towards a Community Prosperity Strategy. This blog post focuses on recommendations for the Government of Alberta and the importance of the nonprofit sector in Alberta’s Recovery Plan, as previous analysis from CCVO showed that the nonprofit sector was not meaningfully included in this plan.

Leveraging the Alberta Community Advantage: Recommendations for the Government of Alberta in Building a Community Prosperity Strategy
CCVO’s previous #ABCommunityAdvantage post highlighted recommendations and the role nonprofits can play in the current efforts to build back and work towards a Community Prosperity Strategy. This blog post focuses on recommendations for the Government of Alberta and the importance of the nonprofit sector in Alberta’s Recovery Plan, as previous analysis from CCVO showed that the nonprofit sector was not meaningfully included in this plan.

Building back better – and different: Recommendations for the nonprofit sector towards a Community Prosperity Strategy
The nonprofit sector is essential in building the economic recovery of our communities. In the next post of our #ABCommunityAdvantage series, Marokh Yousifshahi provides recommendations on how nonprofits can take action now and prepare their organizations in recovery efforts.

Building back better – and different: Recommendations for the nonprofit sector towards a Community Prosperity Strategy
The nonprofit sector is essential in building the economic recovery of our communities. In the next post of our #ABCommunityAdvantage series, Marokh Yousifshahi provides recommendations on how nonprofits can take action now and prepare their organizations in recovery efforts.

An Alberta Community Prosperity Strategy: Leveraging the Alberta Community Advantage
While we’re all currently finding our way through living in a global pandemic, attention is turning to the world we want to build in a post-COVID era. Through our conversations about what an Alberta Community Prosperity Strategy should look like, we heard that Alberta nonprofits want to know what they can do right now. Inspired by our formidable panellists at CCVO’s most recent Nonprofits at 2, this blog post is our take on the nonprofit sector’s role in the current efforts to build back.