Structuring a Board in a Not-for-Profit
Structuring a Board is a strategic and in-depth process. Many Boards consist of professionals in other sectors or positions that serve on a Board on a volunteer basis. Sometimes it can take a couple of attempts to create the perfect scenario. A Key element one should look for in a Board member in a director position is that they have an understanding of the mission of the not-for-profit and are ready and willing to donate the time required.
CCVO Releases Budget 2022 Analysis for Nonprofits
CCVO has recently released their in-depth analysis of Budget 2022 for nonprofits. Under the theme of “moving forward”, this budget outlined a fiscal plan for the next three years, with the focus on economic recovery in Alberta. In this budget, the Government of Alberta announced three key priorities and outlined their objectives for each priority area in the strategic plan. The budget projects total revenue of approximately $62.6 billion while total expenses, including the COVID-19 Recovery fund, will equal approximately $62,096 billion, leaving a surplus of $511 million.

Government of Alberta Budget 2022 Analysis
The budget projects total revenue of approximately $62.6 billion while total expenses, including the COVID-19 Recovery fund, will equal approximately $62,096 billion, leaving a surplus of $511 million. While this budget represents a projected surplus, it does not recognize the importance of community recovery or identify the nonprofit sector as a leader in that effort with any major new investments to support community recovery. In terms of the sector, the focus is on debt elimination and maintaining status quo, stating “until the debt is eliminated, resources will continue to be used to pay interest costs rather than being directed to delivering the important government programs and services that Albertans rely on”.
CCVO to Host 2022 Alberta Budget Analysis Event for Nonprofits
With the release of the 2022 Alberta Budget yesterday, CCVO will be working on a detailed budget analysis over the coming weeks (read their initial analysis here). On March 22, CCVO will host a presentation and panel discussion focused on the budget, including a walk-through of their detailed analysis by CCVO Research Manager Kirsten Boda. After the presentation of the analysis, CCVO President & CEO Karen Ball will moderate a panel discussion focused on what Budget 2022 means for the nonprofit sector, followed by audience Q&A.

Budget 2022 and Community Prosperity in Alberta: Initial Analysis from CCVO
Budget 2022-23 in Alberta was tabled Thursday, February 24th, 2022. Under the theme of “moving forward”, a fiscal plan was outlined for the next three years (2022-2025) with the focus on economic recovery in Alberta. Alberta Budget 2022-23 is overall a maintenance budget of the province’s investment in the work of Alberta’s community nonprofits. It is not a budget that supports community recovery or that recognizes investment in community prosperity as an important and necessary element of Alberta’s economic recovery, which CCVO outlined in our 2022 budget submission.

How to Budget in Uncertain Times
As organizations continue to navigate through uncertain times, it can be tricky to budget when a multitude of outside factors could change your course of action. This post from guest blogger Robin Butler of Baker Tilly Catalyst highlights a few guidelines and tips that can be utilized to plan your budgeting even during turbulent times.

Creating Community Prosperity in Alberta’s Recovery: CCVO Alberta Pre-Budget 2022 Submission
This post covers CCVO’s recent Alberta 2022 pre-budget submission, focused on the recommendation to invest a portion of unallocated Recovery Plan contingency dollars through a strategic Community Recovery Fund. This fund would support community-focused recovery through investment in social infrastructure that will create jobs and spur economic stimulus. The recommendation contained within this submission outlines a role for the Government of Alberta in working collaboratively with nonprofits to meet the Government’s economic recovery goals while supporting efforts for solutions to pressing social issues.

Government of Alberta Budget 2021 Analysis
The provincial government’s Fiscal Plan for 2021 includes recurring themes of economic recovery, economic growth, and job creation. This report, created in partnership with the Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (ECVO), is an analysis of Budget 2021 as it relates to the nonprofit sector in Alberta, which includes highlights of key Ministries.

Budget 2018: Signs of thinking differently, but still committed to status-quo
The Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (CCVO) was pleased to see Budget 2018 highlight the value of Alberta’s nonprofit sector. The provincial budget, released on March 22, includes the Ministry of Culture and Tourism’s key strategies that place a priority on assisting nonprofits in building their human and financial capacity.

2018 Alberta Pre-Budget Submission
In advance of the Government of Alberta's 2018 Budget, CCVO has provided a pre-budget submission to give voice to a number of issues facing the nonprofit sector.

Nonprofit Leaders Meet With Minister Ceci for Budget Consultation
On January 17, 2018, CCVO brought together 25 community leaders from the nonprofit sector for a budget consultation with Alberta’s Minister of Finance, Joe Ceci. The consultation shed light on the sentiments of a diverse group of organizations representing the nonprofit sector in Calgary.

Share Your Thoughts on Alberta's 2018 Budget
Alberta’s nonprofit sector makes our province a better place for all. As demand for services in some subsectors has continued to grow, shrinking individual and corporate donations have put pressure on some organizations’ ability to fulfill their missions.
Budget 2017 Holds the Line on Spending
Budget 2017-18 holds the line on spending as Alberta enters the third year of economic downturn. The budget maintains spending on front-line public services, which is consistent with what the government had signalled leading up to yesterday’s release.
Budget 2016: A Good News, Bad News Budget for Alberta’s Nonprofit Sector
The 2016-17 budget is, by and large, what was signalled by the Government over the past weeks. While it is consistent with election promises, the drastic fall in oil prices has slowed implementation in several areas.