The 2023 #nonprofitsvote Provincial Election Toolkit

Get out your party hats. It’s election time.

Nothing makes our policy director happier than voting. not even a basket of puppies - we tried that. want in on the good stuff? here is our 8-step guide to experiencing the unbridled joy of democracy.

1. Consider why nonprofit issues are election issues.

Alberta’s nonprofits fill critical needs: from food provision and basic needs, to settlement and senior supports, sports and recreation, arts and culture, entrepreneurship, environmental health – and more. We contribute $5.5 billion to the economy, provide nearly 300,000 jobs - representing 1/20 Albertans - make Alberta an attractive place to live and invest, and we benefit each of Alberta’s 4.4 million residents. Learn more about the sector here.

Our ability to provide essential services requires productive collaboration with the Government of Alberta - so we want to know how parties intend to do so, if elected. If we don’t make an ask, we let other issues drive the agenda and we’re less likely to see commitments that support our essential work.

2. Learn what our sector needs.

The Nonprofit Vote partners have established 5 Platform Priorities , that each party must include to ensure the vitality of our sector.

Ask your party leaders to incorporate The Nonprofit Vote priorities in their platforms.

Click here for our Platform Priority communications toolkit, complete with a sample blog and social media posts.

3. Join the call.

4. Learn what is in the party platforms.

Check out our platform analysis here and stay up to date with any new campaign commitments by signing up to our newsletter.

5. Explore our sector’s diverse issues.

The Nonprofit Vote advocates for the sector as whole. But the issues our sector engages with are diverse. We’ve started to gather issue-based priorities published by Alberta nonprofits. Learn more here!

6. Make your vote plan.

Prepare the when, how and where of your personal vote plan. Find more information here on taking time off work to vote, voting by special ballot, mobile polls, and other voting accommodations.

  • When do I vote? Election Day is May 29. You can vote ahead of time by mail by applying for a special ballot. Advanced voting in person will be available Tuesday, May 23 – Saturday, May 27. Advanced voting locations are yet to be announced.

  • Where do I vote? Watch for your personalized “Where to Vote” card in the mail. If you do not receive one, once the Election period has begun, visit the Elections Alberta website or call centre at 1-877-422-8683 (toll free) to find out where to vote.

  • How do I vote? Choose your preferred voting method with the help of Elections Alberta. Confirm you are eligible to vote here. Bring verification of your identity, using either government issued ID, having another elector in your voting area vouch for you, or bringing an attestation form. Find out more about confirming your identity here.

  • Who can I vote for? Click here to find out who your candidates are.

7. Harass your friends (Get Out the Vote).

We have swag! Remind your friends and colleagues to vote without having to say a word. Click here for downloadable stickers and tent cards. Check out sample social media posts below, and don’t forget to follow and use our fancy hashtag, #nonprofitsvote. Sample posts:

  1. May 29 is officially Provincial election day! Advanced and mail-in voting is also available. Not sure where, when and how to vote? Check out @nonprofitvote’s updated #votekit: #nonprofitsvote #abelxn2023

  2. #DYK the nonprofit sector contributes $5.5B to the GDP and leverages 227M volunteer hours/year? It employs 300,000 - who vote! Check out @nonprofitvote’s latest video showcasing just some our sector’s essential work: #nonprofitsvote #abelxn2023 1/

  3. Help us ensure we have the resources to keep it up by sharing our #nonprofitsvote Platform Priorities with your party leaders. #abelxn #ableg  #platformpriorities #nonprofitsvote 2/

Have questions ready in case you run into local candidates. Here are some of ours:

  1. Are you aware the nonprofit sector employs nearly 300,000 - or 1 in 20 - Albertans, and contributes $5.5B to the GDP?

  2. Provincial investments in the nonprofit sector have not been indexed to inflation or population growth in over a decade, meaning organizations are competing for dwindling resources. What is your plan to ensure the sector can provide essential services to a growing population experiencing growing demand?

  • Nonprofit employees are paid less than other sectors, with higher levels of education. Women and new Canadians are highly represented among its employees. What commitments will you make to a workforce strategy so our sector can attract talent and provide competitive and fair wages?

  • Nonprofits need a meaningful forum for government collaboration - to discuss issues that affect us, develop coordinated action, and ensure approaches are effective. If your party forms government, how would you structure a relationship with the nonprofit sector?  

8. Prepare for doorknockers.

Need more detailed info on strategy & regulations for nonprofit advocacy?

Helpful links

Learn more about our sector’s strengths and challenges in this video